Hi All,
I want to apologize in advance if I am uploading too many pictures of my latest customized set-ups... I just don't feel like my stuff is worthy of it's own thread? I also want to apologize for the length of my posts, I never seem to fit all the details into a short sentence.
I have been very impressed with the quality and functionality of my most recent purchases. So much in fact, I just photographed and painstakingly packaged the seven or eight pieces I bought before I purchased my first piece by Mobius; I don't have room for everything and I feel really guilty having perfectly good glass sitting in boxes. After I bought that Nano w/Matrix, it became clear I was going to be collecting more glass like that Matrix... So when I have time to edit all of the pictures, I'll list some items in the classified section for really cheap, just to get them into the hands of someone who needs them.
Tstat and Pappy-
As for Matrix V. Zero Drag on the Nano; I am on the fence. I broke my matrix the day before I discovered the "Toys-r-us" of Mobius retailers; where I bought the zero drag, Ion matrix, and Liquid Scientific Jacuzzi tube. Not to mention two days later going back to buy the Mobius stemless stereo matrix. I feel lucky to have a LHS with an inventory rivaling ALT, pricing is just the icing on the cake!
The following impressions are from memory regarding the Matrix nano: I feel like the matrix has a smoother, purring type of pull with possibly more diffusion if water level is above the top of the Matrix perc. In my experience, this is where the Matrix shines, the water level can easily be above the matrix perc while still retaining an incredibly low amount drag. This is just as true with the stereo matrix and ion bubbler; all three of these matrix percs I have owned all stack to the top of the chamber with as little drag as most of my other tubes; the only exception would be the waffle tube, which is like a machine gun when you clear it, just doesn't stack bubbles like the matrix.
The Zero Drag in my opinion may very well have slightly less drag overall than the Matrix, but the difference is only my opinion, no actual scientific measurements. The zero drag does not have as smooth of a feel as the Matrix, but Pappy really said it best when he described the Nano Zero drag as having an "asynchronous chug". The zero drag perc also seems more sensitive to water level, where the matrix has low drag thru a wide range of water levels.
While I admittedly prefer the super smooth, ultra-diffused feel of my Matrix percs; I absolutely love my Zero Drag nano, more than enough diffusion and the more chugging feel has grown on me quite a bit. Now the Reti perc is a different story, at least for me. I bought a "Clear Reti" bubbler from ALT two days before I discovered the Mobius super store where I could have saved some serious money; anyways, the Reti perc chugs so hard it actually shakes the table! no joke. It doesn't stack bubbles to the top like the matrix, but something about all of those massive bubbles blasting all over the place provides diffusion at least on par with the Zero Drag perc in my Nano or the Matrix perc in my Ion bubbler. Of all the pieces shown below, the Reti may be the only one I could bring myself to part with. For nothing other than personal preference.
Now the fun part...
Here is my collection

sans pieces boxed up for later sale):
Mobius Bubblers in front of Oracle(best forced air vape I have used including cano's):
Mobius "Ion" w/Matrix:
Mobius "Clear" w/Reti, close-up:
Stone Glass Works "Waffle" tube V2, close-up:
Mobius Nano w/Zero Drag vs. Liquid Scientific Jacuzzi tube:
Liquid Scientific "Jacuzzi" Tube, disc percs close-up

this thing stacks like nothing else!!!)
Liquid Scientific "Jacuzzi" tube water test/ stack picture:
Nano or Stemless stereo matrix or Jacuzzi tube = perfection either way
Mobius Stemless 60t Stereo Matrix(12" tall w/ a splash of color on mouthpiece):
Stereo Matrix perc shot:
Stereo matrix sand blasted labels:
ok... pictures away