Tstat- Great to hear the Philpot issues has been resolved! I'm personally not attracted to them as much as many others out there; but I can appreciate the quality. I need to try one when I have extra cash...
So I bit the bullet and bought most of the pieces I had been pining over, three before Christmas and one and a half today.
First, my Nano Matrix met an untimely demise mostly due to me grabbing the piece to violently in my catch of a minor tip over on the table.

:ko :

Only the Matrix perc broke from it's base and the splash guard cracked, otherwise holds water; probably would have survived tip, but my grab was too violent...
In honor of the Nano, I found my new favorite LHS and walked away with a Nano Zero Drag, Ion Matrix Bubbler, and a Liquid scientific 13"Jacuzzi tube(stacks like nothing else, my new go to tube!!!). I then came back to the new favorite LHS a couple days later(yesterday); after ALT had sold out of the Mobius stemless stereo matrix tubes. I ended up needing to buy a 12"(1.5"shorter than nano; hell yeah!) stemless 60t w/ stereo matrix limited edition tube, with worked mouth piece, slide, and a couple little other spots, mellow work, perfectly fits my taste. Oh, that new Mobius stemless redefines low drag with maximum diffusion/stacking for me; it was in love at first sight.
The stemless Mobius also signifies that I have crossed the line; I never thought I would be feeling special to spend $500+ on glass until this Mobius!

I now fully admit to having a glass addiction... I never thought I would pay more than four hundred for a piece, boy was I wrong. I had found bargains to buy into nicer glass, but this Mobius is proof I am fully hooked. At least I realize I have a problem; that way I am able to keep it fed

Something to be said for the bubble stacking and smooth pulls on every piece I've bought this month.

The wife really enjoys her new L series lens I gave her for Christmas; giving me this opportunity to introduce more glass to my collection guilt free.

Win win
The Liquid Scientific Jacuzzi Tube, the sleeper of the group; this tube stacks to the top of a six plus inch tall chamber like nothing, with next to no water, and certainly no drag aside from slight drag immediately clearing water from stem. It is a double disc diffused stemless tube which has nearly no drag once started and diffuses better than many larger pieces. I am amazed every use, it sounds like a turbine. I was actually looking at Hitman when the guy that blows Liquid walked up, after talking the owner filled a Jacuzzi tube with water and I was sold watching him try it. As soon as I took a pull, I knew I couldn't leave without one. Especially because the blower had some great, honest opinions as well as excellent, top notch work. Especially the work making all of the holes on the Jacuzzi discs and the ability for the tube to function tilted back, it all really makes this an excellent design with mind-blowing performance. Obviously great workmanship helps helps too
Not to forget the Ion Matrix which is my favorite bubbler so far; stacks to the top easily and is small enough to easily store. Last is my Mobius Clear model bubbler with Reti perc I ordered from ALT last week; I didn't initially like like the large bubble chugging nature, but it is growing on me; almost not enough drag, clears spontaneously. Awesome bubbler, but I am spoiled by the Ion Matrix bub. I may sell the Reti and go buy the Clear Matrix instead, I saw them local for similar prices to Alt...
I will be back in the morning with pictures of my latest vaporizer center featuring my VHW3.0 and Oracle along with my new collection of glass.... I need to get rid of several tubes and such in order to make room if I want the other pieces I do. So expect some tubes to get listed for sale pretty cheap in the near future. (nothing on this page will be for sale.)
pics soon