Omg that honeybucket is fucking insane. A hollow bail. Wtf? He's always pushing the craft forward. Did you see his tesseract recycler? 

Also, @EverythingsHazy: I hope there's no ill will between us, my comments above were in no way meant to criticize or offend. I'm very appreciative of the role you play in this community and have no intention of undermining that. I'm simply very excited about the idea of glass design which isn't bogged down by arguments of intellectual property, and enthusiastic about being a part of that process. I'm also quite happy to be getting back to coming up with ideas and desingns!
I feel as though you have been pretty disrespectful to me and everything I have contributed to the forum. I would really like to see your contributions considering all I have seen is you starting a thread based on something that I had already been working on. The fact that you try to take credit and control is even more bothersome. That once it was made public who I was working with you thought it was OK to try and go around me and FC in an attempt to get your way. You seem to be an incredibly selfish person and you have taken a small slice of joy out of this project.Them who? Did you find someone interested in working with you?
@EverythingsHazy would you mind responding to my question
Yes, I found another seller. I haven't given them any designs yet tho out of respect to Steven. I've said that in a few posts already.
I feel as though you have been pretty disrespectful to me and everything I have contributed to the forum. I would really like to see your contributions considering all I have seen is you starting a thread based on something that I had already been working on.
I posted a pic of a concept piece I thought would be awesome, a bunch of people thought it would be cool as well, you told me to message you about working on pieces, and I made a thread to showcase any pieces that were just concepts to see how the other members responded, without clogging up the other thread and having people asking where to get the bubblers in the pics, as they don't exist yet. I started with the first piece, which was the one I originally posted.
The fact that you try to take credit and control is even more bothersome. That once it was made public who I was working with you thought it was OK to try and go around me and FC in an attempt to get your way.
If I wanted credit, I would've justskipped over you and gone to the source in the beginning with some pictures based on what people on here asked for in this thread. That wasn't my goal. I just wanted to see the fc-186 made since it'd be awesome. Also, if you aren't getting paid from this, why do you want to be the only one who gets to talk to steven, aside from having your name behind all the pieces that everyone designs? I personally don't care about that.
You seem to be an incredibly selfish person and you have taken a small slice of joy out of this project.
Not only did I find another glass blower who is willing to make new pieces to stock, but they are also able to make single custom pieces. I could easily give them the design and ask for one, but odds are they are going to just want to use it for their stock anyway, and steven will lose business when he was the first one willing to work with the fc community.
Please let us know if and when you are ever able to find a different seller to produce your designs
@EverythingsHazy would you mind responding to my question
As I mentioned before, please take this discussion to PMs. It's the holidays for Christsakes....Replies in quote. I'm on good terms with most people here, and I'm not going to spite myself by holding any grudges. Whatever anyone else chooses is up to them. I have nothing else to say on the matter.
@NorthernHuskie just wait. I'm working on getting an FC-242 made. It is going to be amazing. Here is the very first rough prototype.
If the GB-242 does come back in stock I do recommend picking one up. Mine has become my daily driver dab rig
I feel the exact same way but you beat me to the post. Hamm is the godfather and everyone else in the game kind of owes him. I have no problem with knocking off MS and plenty of others. Of course no carbed gongs. If anyone Chinese or American started making them I'd hope they would get zero support.
Did you see earl jr just redefined the honey bucket because he is an original gangster. He is calling it the Erlr
Still kinda worried about these. Definitely need more pics. Whats the minimum order you need? I would just be careful because the design looked pretty weird from the first pic. No O-Rings where the swing attaches too the bucket and the OFZ stem seems a bit short as stated by @Deadshort480 in the honey bucket thread. No problem buying one after these minor details are sorted out.I have a connect on MS OFZ quartz knockoff buckets, posted in the other thread. Let me know demand so I can place an order.
Still kinda worried about these. Definitely need more pics. Whats the minimum order you need? I would just be careful because the design looked pretty weird from the first pic. No O-Rings where the swing attaches too the bucket and the OFZ stem seems a bit short as stated by @Deadshort480 in the honey bucket thread. No problem buying one after these minor details are sorted out.