WOW. I'm so sad to see how quickly this awesome forum full of such good ideas had degraded into childish bickering. I was planning on staying out of this whole argument, but after reading through everything that's gone on today I think we need to come to some sort of closure and not just ignore this disagreement until it comes up again (which it inevitably will unless we address it directly).
@EverythingsHazy: I get that you want everybody to just move on, but you've created a good bit of turmoil here and it can't just disappear when you get tired of the criticism and ask to get back on topic.
I didnt get annoyed until i was treated like a parent treats his child for no reason. Doesn;t matter who you are, you don't do that.
Before I continue, I want to thank you for starting this thread in the first place and playing the parts you have in getting this glass-design community together. That said, I've seen you express a number of sentiments in the past couple of pages that would seem to go against the thinking of the majority of those here, and have potential to be damaging to this amazing thing we've all got going.
Care to list some of these numerous sentiments? Preferably a few of them since there were a number...
I think part of what's going on here is a difference in people's perceptions of this design process. I, and it seems most others here, are taking an "open source" approach to design, in which everyone informally weighs in and contributes to a design which is owned by no one, and then (so far) presented to the one blower we've been working with by
@blankrider, because he's the one who initally made successful contact. Of course blankrider has the final say to steven as he's the point of contact, but I don't think he's given steven anything that wasn't agreed upon by at least a good few people from this thread. From beginning to end it's a collaborative process.
No he doesn't because anyone and everyone can contact steven or any other seller. People have to understand that.
It seems you believe that you own any design you suggest to this board, and have some sort of rights or "final say" to these designs. I'm not sure where you got this idea or why you feel this entitlement. For one, all you did to "design" the pillar was take something already designed by Sovereignty, switch part of it out for something already designed by Möbius, modify the mouthpiece a bit, and call it your own. I don't think that's really something you can claim ownership over...
No I don't claim ownership, but it's like you suggesting your idea of a piece, putting together an image of it, and then having blankrider change it, when as you say in your next next paragraph, people will buy it anyway.
Nonetheless, you seem to have an idea for a piece you want locked into your mind, and are not interested in anyone modifying or criticizing that design, nor are you interested in what the majority wants. Since that's the case I'm not sure why you even started this thread in the first place. If you're not interested in a collaborative process, it seems like you would be better off just contacting glassblowers yourself and trying to convince them to make you're designs. I'm not sure why you're even bothering talking about it with the rest of us. If you want complete control over and credit for what's being produced, I suggest you learn to blow glass, start making your designs, and charge people 10x DHgate's prices like all the pretentious American blower's we on this thread are trying to avoid.
Lastly, I don't think anyone else here cares quite as much as you do about the fine details such as the angle of the mouthpiece. Most of us are just stoked to be getting such amazing glass at such amazing prices, while having the opportunity to have a hand in the design process. I, for one, will buy any piece I like on here even if I don't feel the mouthpiece or neck or whatever is as perfect as it could be. I'm just excited to have this opportunity at all. I'm pretty sure that most others here would agree with me.
To everyone else: I'm loving this collaborative process, and being a part of such a unique opportunity. You all are awesome. (
@EverythingsHazy, you're awesome too, we've just got some intellectual differences to sort out.

As I said at the beginning, I'd initially wanted to stay out of this whole debate, but I feel that it's important that we agree on the general nature of the creative process on this thread before this issue comes up again and again and starts to become toxic. As I understand it, this thread is functioning under the "open source" model, in which no one claims ownership over anything and everyone is able to freely contribute to and build on other's ideas in order to obtain the best possible end-product. I've been operating under this assumption, and with a few exceptions it seems that the majority of you agree. If anyone sees things differently I encourage you to speak up now. That way we can all get on the same page early on, and move forward with the same intention of designing kick-ass glass, buying it for way cheap, and then using our dream pieces to get gloriously ripped.