.............................................................................................I ended up with his new 70/30 cuni and they are a pleasure to use after having a hair straightener and quick-grips for the last year. Everything fit perfectly to my new one-ton arbor press with no real problem. A wrench and metal file was all I needed to assemble. The soldering irons I bought fit absolutely perfectly.
I'm thinking distant future but this interests me a lot.
I found el-cheapo 1 ton arbor presses to be way less $$ than I expected.
Pics / instructions in a 1 ton would be great,... of what it takes to attach soldering irons and
the jaws
Any best ones on previous pages?
..................................................click the link I added to my review you'll see two pics of my 1 ton press with Joel's plates attached.
thanks--I had clicked and got picture of bud and then did "next post" instead of down. Now I see the pics going down.
So you strong arm the press with the long lever arm and then you can "bolt it down", freeze it with the pressure applied???
Thanks @jg34 for the nice review Sir! These should fit other presses as well, if you ever wanted to upgrade to a 10-20 ton press. (These may not fit a 3 ton arbor press though FYI)
That is a lot tighter fit than I expected. So glad you are up and squishing.
Hey all...
I've been browsing the thread for a bit and I'm really interested in getting a set of plates for a 1 ton arbor press. I've yet to purchase the press though. Are there any specific features I should be looking for? Are the plates pretty much universal to all arbor presses or does Joel need specifics before making the plates? Any suggestions for solder stations? Lastly how do I go about placing an order? Thanks in advance for any replies...
Anyone here running an arbor press with these yet? I'm considering the 3 ton from Northern Tool for $250, which seems like a nice upgrade from the 1 ton from them or Harbor Freight. There are also some interesting 3 ton ratchet-style presses for around $300.
The Dake is a good deal but takes up too much space for what I want. I'll be investing in larger equipment later, so will wait for new products to be released or DIY myself. An arbor press is the most ergonomic small-footprint device I've found for the pressure I want, although I decided the 2 and 3 ton arbors are just too big/heavy to leave on my kitchen counter. Also I'm ok with being limited to 1-2g squishes, so 1ton will be fine.You can get the Dake b-10 for close to $250
I'd think that's a better and easier solution
The Dake is a good deal but takes up too much space for what I want. I'll be investing in larger equipment later, so will wait for new products to be released or DIY myself. An arbor press is the most ergonomic small-footprint device I've found for the pressure I want, although I decided the 2 and 3 ton arbors are just too big/heavy to leave on my kitchen counter. Also I'm ok with being limited to 1-2g squishes, so 1ton will be fine.
The headroom with Joel's plates is the only reason I haven't bought them yet, but from @jg34's pics, think I'm fine with that amount of clearance. Some of you probably know about the $350 all in one from High5, and their top-plate was milled to accept the 1" square ram without an extra flange like Joel's. They sold out quick but were not as good on quality/materials (both plates and the press), but they also just posted about releasing an upgrade in a few weeks.
Hey man sorry for the late response. I need to check the site more often. Still finishing up my car and that's taking up all my free time. I'll be on more often again soon enough! The car is almost finishedQuestion for @BoogerMan , You are the only one I know of with both my vise jaws and my plates for the drake 10, which is easier to use good Sir?
I assume the press is pretty easy compared to the vise, but maybe pumping the press handle sucks or something? lol
I know I'm not @BoogerMan but I can tell you with a vise, it's very easy and I don't have to hold the handle to keep pressure...I just ramp up the pressure gradually until I can't turn the vise any more and just leave it there until I pull it all out.
I got my plates today from @Joel W. and they're a thing of beauty!! The soldering irons also arrived. However Oak Harbor freight is trying to screw me and not deliver the press. I had my front door wide open all day. I have a pit bull and I have a doorbell. The driver told dispatch I wasn't home and I didn't answer my phone. I have no missed calls and I actually had someone else over here at the time he said I wasn't home so he can suck me. They're trying to get it delivered today by a different driver so we'll see how that goes since its already 430.
UPDATE: Don't ever use Oak Harbor freight lines. I'll get the press tomorrow supposedly. I'll believe it when I see it with these clowns.
Glad you got everything up and running man! Looks like you are getting the hang of itIt's time for a review of the dake b-10 hydraulic press and @Joel W.'s plates. First, Joel is great at communication and he's man of his word. If he tells you they're going to be done by a certain date you better believe he'll follow through.
The plates are very nice. They worked exactly as described and for me that's a big deal. I don't want to be monkeying around with stuff and modifying it to get it up work. The soldering irons fit right in and they work like a charm.
The Dake is really the way to go if you can spend the extra money. It's simple to use once you put it together. The gauge is almost worth it all by itself. Its much easier to dial in the perfect press with the gauge. I also wanted my press to be horizontal rather than vertical so it's easier to use.
When it came time to press I ran into a couple issues. The first one is blow outs. I started by using .5 gram pucks but they were blowing out the crease of the parchment paper. I messaged @BoogerMan and he told me how to fix that. You have to center the puck I the parchment paper and make sure you have enough room for the puck to expand when it's flattened by the press.
The second issue I had was user error where I pressed it too quickly and the flower blew out into the concentrate. The best press is obtained with slow and steady pressure. I don't go past 3 tons now and try to stay just under that.
Finally stick to .5-.6 gram presses for the best and easiest concentrate to collect. If you try to press more than that the puck will flatten out and mix in with the concentrate. You want to be certain that the puck is centered when you press it as well.
Here are pics of my setup in my basement.