Custom 3D printed Widgets - Delta 3D Studios


Well-Known Member
Haha, that is what I looked at right before writing this message. It looks like they are meant for D-020 bubblers. The base of my heady banger hanger is about the size of a soda can.
Figured I would suggest just in case. Funny my wide base vape pieces like the sov and mobius do not fit but my heady pieces do.

Here Ralph States the dimensions: will hold a bubbler with stand of 9.5cm to 11.5cm outer diameter and up to 1.2cm height.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
@Delta3DStudios , can you make something like this:

I have a couple of heady pieces that have no base, so my 710 coil setup tips it over. I know this might be difficult without knowing the size of the base.

That's quite an innovative idea, although sadly I don't have an economical way of producing those with my current machinery. Plus I prefer not to directly replicate someone else's idea. However shoot me a message with some pictures of your heady pieces - I might be able to design some sort of alternative rig without using silicone.

In other news, I've just published my new @JyARz BigPapi Divider (hoping to stock up on some BigPapi's in the future as well and offer discounted kits for those interested).

Also my HealthyRips Rouge has arrived, and I'm already finalizing a caddy for those larger dosing capsules. Hoping to publish that product this weekend

the ob

all good in the hood.
That's quite an innovative idea, although sadly I don't have an economical way of producing those with my current machinery. Plus I prefer not to directly replicate someone else's idea. However shoot me a message with some pictures of your heady pieces - I might be able to design some sort of alternative rig without using silicone.

In other news, I've just published my new @JyARz BigPapi Divider (hoping to stock up on some BigPapi's in the future as well and offer discounted kits for those interested).

Also my HealthyRips Rouge has arrived, and I'm already finalizing a caddy for those larger dosing capsules. Hoping to publish that product this weekend
Any word on the Jyarz blue containers? :)
the ob,


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Question folks, what are you using to cleaning all those 3D printed parts with? TIA

I've done some extensive testing with ISO rubbing alcohol - works just great and seems to have no affect on any item I've tested (EXCEPT my silicone products - I do not advise soaking any silicone rubber product from any brand for longer than 10-20 minutes a time).

However in terms of plastic components, I've soaked multiple pieces in 91% ISO for weeks before examining and testing to confirm it didn't damage the parts.

Of course if you do find a cleaning solution which does affect my prints, please let me know so I can warn others!


Well-Known Member
I've done some extensive testing with ISO rubbing alcohol - works just great and seems to have no affect on any item I've tested (EXCEPT my silicone products - I do not advise soaking any silicone rubber product from any brand for longer than 10-20 minutes a time).

However in terms of plastic components, I've soaked multiple pieces in 91% ISO for weeks before examining and testing to confirm it didn't damage the parts.

Of course if you do find a cleaning solution which does affect my prints, please let me know so I can warn others!

Thanks, I would have hated to have messed up the universal adapter I just got, and I really like all the stuff in the Mystery Box, it was like a mini-Christmas.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Thanks, I would have hated to have messed up the universal adapter I just got, and I really like all the stuff in the Mystery Box, it was like a mini-Christmas.

Haha, for sure those mystery box are fun, and I keep building more (tons more stuff to sort through).

All silicone products can be cleaned with rubbing alcohol, however soaking for hours at a time is what can cause issues as this will saturate into the core of the rubber, where it causes the rubber to start drying and cracking apart - prematurely aging it. A quick rinse or surface cleaning with rubbing alcohol is totally fine (however some have found boiling my adapters in hot water also works just well to clean them - this does not damage the rubber)

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I had no clue you could use iso to clean say the nylon scoops! Not that I've ever needed to clean any of your tools (although I did the original SonG I have from way back when) like grasshopper funnel, but it's nice to know I can! Yeah the mystery box is awesome, I have more grasshopper stuff than I know what to do with now lol Delta3D 4ever :bowdown:


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Happy New Years all! Pardon my radio silence lately - things in the studio have kept me busy. I've currently hit a wall in terms of power capacity in my studio so I'm working on adding more power in the near future to keep up with the necessary growth. Since all the machines are running to manufacture new inventory for orders, I rarely have a free machine to spit out some prototypes for testing! I've also acquired some new machinery to increase my capabilities for low volume mass production (and ultimately to reach my goal of recycling scrap plastics into new widgets if possible) - however I still haven't had the time/funds to finish installation and design the negative molds needed for those projects.

That said, I've been working hard to publish some new 3D printed widgets when I have some spare time and free printer for tinkering. Some of my recent products include an Altoids Mint Tin Insert (available for the S&B Capsules, and Taffee Ceramic Pots), finally a redesigned split Jyarz Satchmo caddy (for the S&B Capsules, and Rogue), and a satchmo portable toothpick debowler.

Additionally, I've been working to source a quality American manufacturer who can produce vibrant colors of orange and blue plastic for my needs, so you may notice many of my widgets are now available in a vibrant bold-blue color (hot damn was that a PITA to update the storefront with all the dang SKU's and such :bang: )

Lastly, and most exciting is that I have published a new slim case for the S&B Mighty! I will admit it's not 100% air-tight, it does a great job encapsulating 99% of the odors while protecting the device from minor dust/scuffs/scratches while in storage or transport.


The only catch is that I have confirmed it fits the S&B Mighty, I have NOT tested this case with the Mighty+ (yet). I suspect it fits just fine, however I don't have direct confirmation. :party:
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
@Delta3DStudios is it possible to make a caddy for the IQ2 dosing capsules to fit one of the JyArz containers, similar to what you've done with other brands' capsules?

Absolutely! Running a quick render and it looks like it can hold 8 or 9 columns inside a satchmo container. Or we could store half that many if you wanted to create a split caddy with one open void filling half the container, and 4/5 columns on the other side.

Right now my schedule is pretty full so I don't know how long before I can formally publish something new to the website, however if you shoot me an email, I can set you up with a custom order to get it into the queue (turnaround right now would be about 7-10 days on a custom order).

In other news, my 4/20 sale has been quite successful - I'm quickly selling out of inventory (still waiting on Jyarz to reopen so I can stock up on more satchmo containers!). This is my best store-wide sales event of the year - so don't miss it! Additionally, this month I'm offering 50% off my mystery kit bundles -

It's been a wild year with ups and downs as inflation hits us all, but I've done my best to absorb all raising manufacturing costs to keep my prices the same (or lower when possible). But unlike some companies, I am not going to sacrifice quality for cost - I always aim to use the highest quality raw materials available on the market.

I'm working on something new and exciting - my most complicated design yet, but it's slow goings. I've been working on the design for months using spare printers for the prototypes when available but there's never enough time in a day to accomplish everything. I might not be posting frequently on FC, but I'm still here - don't be afraid to send me a private message with a special request or to chat about the possibilities.

Lastly, I'm sad to report my illustrator/artist friend who produced many of the graphics for my website and retail packaging passed away last year (complete shock to us all, he was too young). He was truly talented - we worked together for over a decade at a previous employer and will be sorely missed. I'm still on the lookout for a graphic designer/illustrator to replace him and carry on the brand while honoring his "style" but you will likely see some changes to the graphics and website when I make an update later this year.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Hey all :wave:! Lots going on around the studio as usual including several new large dosing capsule loading trays (16 slot Fury Edge and 18-slot S&B Capsule), and I've been working on several small TightVac caddies for the POTV One (and coming soon - S&B Capsule) - exclusively available from PlanetOfTheVapes. Thanks to a slow-down for the summer, I've had time to focus more on R&D so I've been tinkering on several projects (and a new branding for the Home & Office widgets, coming soon).

Also note I've just been told that the cost of 420-alloy stainless steel is increasing dramatically and costs will be likely doubled if not even higher! As such all steel part prices will be going up next week (6/23) - but I won't know the final pricing until then. Beware - now is your last chance to order any of these scoop tools (or a custom scoop tool) at the current prices before they increase exponentially :bang:

I am working to switch to a different supplier for steel metal 3D printed scoops, however pricing will still go up regardless the outcome so if you've been on the fence, don't miss your chance!

If you don't see the scoop tool in stock you want, PLEASE reach out to me by this weekend and I'll see what I can do.


Well-Known Member
@Delta3DStudios have you thought about an anvil plastic case with avb debowler in a separate chamber? Or something where you could disassamble the anvil into, which would keep it really small?


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
@Delta3DStudios have you thought about an anvil plastic case with avb debowler in a separate chamber? Or something where you could disassamble the anvil into, which would keep it really small?

I have a slim case design I made for the Grasshopper Vaporizer a few years back. I could easily do something like that for the Anvil if you could measure the max diameter (or circumference with a piece of string if that's all you have), and overall height.

For debowling the best option I currently offer is a glass lined odor-tight satchmo portable debelower - that's the smallest and most portable option I currently offer (I prefer toothpicks in my debowler designs because they are replaceable, heat-resistant, and the soft wood will not scratch any oven on the market)

Of course shoot me a private message if you'd like to get started on a custom order, I'm always happy to chat pricing and send over payment instructions whenever you're ready to move forward :science:


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I use this one a lot, toothpicks are great.

Lol, absolutely I made that sucker for my own personal needs - the first prototype copy I printed for myself is still going strong after years of use/abuse haha.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Howdy all! :wave:

What a summer it's been with inflation attacking from all sides (I've tried not to raise pricing on anything I don't have to, and absorb costs when possible but damn it's been rough) - Fortunately I've had some spare time so I've tried to get back into R&D mode with a bunch of new projects. This weekend I worked on two slim cases by popular demand:

Xmax V3 Pro Slim Case

Crafty Slim Case

Additionally, here are some other products recently released by popular demand

S&B Loading Tray Spacer Kit

Mighty Scoop-n-Tamp (Larger scoop, and larger tamp end - honestly a really awesome tool)
(coming next month: Nylon edition! ;) )

Thanks everyone for your continued interest in my small studio - as usual, don't hesitate to reach out with any questions/concerns or ideas for future widgets.
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
any coupons? :)

I have one ongoing discount with the code "HowdyImNEW5" which is a single-use coupon code for 5% off the entire order.

Additionally I typically have two big sales a year - during Thanksgiving/BackFriday and 4/20.

Otherwise I've been doing my best to absorb inflation wherever possible to avoid raising prices on anything I don't have to. In some cases I've gone back and re-sliced some models to increase print quality while reducing print times so I can reduce pricing.

My 420 stainless steel scoop tools unfortunately have continued to skyrocket in cost (a decade ago they were less than 1/3rd the price!) - to the point where I am looking for alternative manufacturing methods.

In fact this may be may last batch of 420-alloy stainless steel scoop tools in general, the manufacturing costs have completely eaten into any profits for the business :bang:

In addition to the news about new scoop tools on the horizon. Some of ya'll may have noticed my new TinyMight Slim Case:

I've also got dimensions from @HughJundys for the TM2 and will be working on a new slim case sometime over the next week or two :spliff:


FAT X - Ruby Twist - TM2 - 20M w/ Wand
Random idea - could you make an inset for the Satchmo that could hold 4 FW8 capsules? It would allow me to store loaded and empty capsules neatly and airtight where I wouldn’t have to juggle them to find a fresh one like I would in a Jyarz classic.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Random idea - could you make an inset for the Satchmo that could hold 4 FW8 capsules? It would allow me to store loaded and empty capsules neatly and airtight where I wouldn’t have to juggle them to find a fresh one like I would in a Jyarz classic.

Absolutely! I have an awesome split-caddy design for the Satchmo:

I already took the complete measurements of the FW8 capsules before returning it so it wouldn't be hard to work up a custom order for you. Although given the dimensions, it might store more than 8 capsules.... unless you want me to try only two rows of capsules (maybe one side for fresh and other slot for used capsules).
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