In other exciting news, I'm proud to announce that I've finished my new
V3 mighty waterpipe adapter! This adapter is made from a much stiffer silicone rubber which twist-locks into the Mighty (and Crafty) vaporizer. There's also a stiff screen in the WPA to hold back the herb (just like the original cooling unit)
I've already shipped out the first batch to customers this week, and I'm taking preorders for my next batch of V3 adapters due to arrive before the end of this month.
I got my crafty / mighty WPA a few weeks ago, and I've used it a few times, and I must say, this is the ideal tool for adapting your crafty / mighty to water tools, well done Ratchett
I even put a 14mm basket screen on top to make sure my fine grind doesn't get inside my PPWT. It may not be needed for that, however
When you put a crafty into a rig like this D-020-d9 where the 18mm slot is well centered and the glass is heavy enough overall, this setup is very stable. The silicon adapter is very snug and tight twisting into the bowl of the vape, but it has just enough flexibility to make itself disconnect and fall off the vape if an excessive sideways force is applied to the WPA, which might otherwise damage the crafty / mighty's plastic shell.
And I have plenty of dust around my vape desk as you can see.
So as good as this product is, my crafty has been under-utilized recently due to my somewhat newly acquired
tubo evic 
which is a portable
convection vape that performs like a desktop plug-in

A great vape in its own right (swappable 18650s!) not in any urgent need of any
unique Delta3DStudios products since the 18mm glass slots are pretty universal already. I'm sure existing Delta3d products can be used with the tubo if you think about, however... stir tools?
With the tubo, made of wood and glass, I tend to be more over-protective. So I tend to use the crafty in different (more hazardous?) circumstances, when I'm being more mobile, since I don't fear dropping the crafty as much with it's plastic shell.
(my crafties have survived many such drops) Adding a hydratube to the crafty changes that calculus,

but it's great to have high-performing water options when I
can use the crafty in a safer space
Great job Ratchett

I'll be watching out for upcoming Delta3dStudios products as usual