Well-Known Member
Like that Herbalizer adapter part.
Dumb question. What's the purpose/function of the rubber plug?
Dumb question. What's the purpose/function of the rubber plug?

I probably won't have them available for purchase directly on my store for another 6-7 weeks since there's a 1 month turnaround time for printing ceramic
wait... did you just say print ceramic...?
we need to talk!
Heh, indeed 3D printed ceramic parts! It's outsourced because I don't have access to such technology personally. But I do design the prototypes in plastic and add tolerances to account for the glazing process.
PM me if you're interested in any assistance. I suggest sooner than later, I seem to be getting more work than I can handle recently! I've already got several new vapes incoming over the next few weeks so I can start designing new accessories.
I can't express my gratitude enough to all of you. I never thought I'd be running a 3D printer studio this soon! Your patronage has inspired me to push the limits of my creativity and design skills to the next level.
In other news I have decided that I NEED a milling/CNC machine to further my 3D Design Studio. I am currently saving for a small machine, and hope to have one within the next few months.
Probably looking at a Shapeoko2 CNC to start which will limit my build heights to 2 inches, but that should be more than enough for some really awesome custom stands and accessories! (Can we say exotic wood from @Snappo ). Maybe some nice and sturdy Hydrotube stands while I'm at it...
Edit - Just saw this news article and HAD to post! - http://3dprint.com/13362/hewlett-packard-glass-3d-print/ - HP is looking at making a 3D glass printer!!! Hopefully the finished product will be translucent and food-safe!
I'm back everyone!
New item just listed on my store:
Mini Rubber Tapered Plugs!
Given the unexpected popularity in my tapered rubber plugs, I've opted to add a new size to the store. These mini plugs are designed to fit both 14 and 18mm MALE fittings found on many new glass pieces designed for dabbing.
More stuff coming soon! Up next - Male and Female GonG stands!
It's not in his store yet, but you can PM him if you want to buy a prototype. I have one and it works great! So simple, yet so effective in easy loading.I'm wanting to buy the loading tool for the Indica when you get that little gadget available. I looked on your site. I will look some more. I know you just made this. It may not be in production as of yet? Is it something someone must order?
Big news! Thank you for working on this!Thanks for that @OMEiAM - Yes the Indica Loading funnel is a new design I'm very happy with. It's currently available exclusively to FC members (PM if interested!). I'll let everyone know when it's available to order through my stores (Maybe even available in stainless steel through shapeways!)
In other news I wanted to announce that I have reduced shipping rates on my Etsy store for some smaller items (including the indica loading funnels)! Shipping for some items is 50% cheaper!
Additionally, Shapeways has lowered their costs for printing in some materials including plastic and steel! Stay tuned for more accessories available for printing in high-definition before the end of the year!
Here's a sneak peak at my current project - a Silicon FireFly WaterPipe Adapter! This part will be cast from non-toxic aquarium grade silicon and will be completely vapor safe (ISO safe for cleaning as well!)
3D scanned for a perfect fit, it's completely safe to use without modifying your FireFly
For those curious types - here's a sample of the design process (prototypes in no particular order) - I print various molds and cast silicon parts to test the fit - checking for an air-tight fit, then vapor polishing the molds (acetone vapor!) to achieve a nice glossy finish on the cast parts.
This part should be available soon on my Etsy Store
Big news! Thank you for working on this!
I'm excited to say the least for (what I believe will be) the first Firefly 3rd-party mod!