Could you be happy with just one vape (and which is it)?


Well-Known Member
Could I be happy with just one vaporizer? Definitely. I probably would be happy with one leg, too. The variety of vapes makes me happier though.

And the question which vaporizer I would use….is a tough one. A few months ago I would have chosen a Dynavap without any doubt, but now my tolerance is really low I prefer slower extraction. I’m doubting between the Vapman and Solo 2.

A reply on my own message!

I may have changed my mind. The Dynavap with a low temp cap and the smallest bowlsize is my choice.

Next week it could be the Dreamwood Glow 18, we’ll see!


Well-Known Member
My absolute favourite at the moment is a Glass 'Add a Cap' for DynaVap. So tasty. But I guess if I was going to a dessert Island with only one vape I would probably break it. My very close second would be my M with titanium tip, captive cap, homemade copper FMJ and condenser with a stinger in it. Got it dialled in to perfection for me and love it. Also have a hula with armour cap and B tip which I haven’t quite got dialled in as good as the M but think it’s got potential to be my number one favourite very soon.

Dynavap so many options and choices the possibilities are endless🙂


Well-Known Member
It’s a tossup between Dynavap and the Roffu, both do herb or hash in various ways. I never tried a TM, it looks promising, but I feel burnt by the Mighty hype and can’t see spending so much on one vape anymore. The exception to that was the Peak Pro that is getting better all the time. :2c:


Well-Known Member
The one I have now... it's convenient for me because it's small, convection etc... I've broken three so far. Fury 2, fenix mini and smono3.


Well-Known Member
I live in a dry state and keep my cannabis ritual separate from my family and kids. As such, until recently I did most of my vaping with a Dynavap and on occasions when I had the place to myself I'd indulge with my Vapexhale Evo. Recently I've had the game changing experience of purchasing a Phase3 ZX and it's revolutionized my usage! I'll still use the DV when out and about and I have a Solo II which gets brought along on camping/road trips. As such, if I could only have 1 - it'd be the Phase3 ZX. It is by far and above the best ritual experience I've had in ~30 years of cannabis use as far as flavor, ease of use, and cleanup (just glassware!). Strictly a flower user here.



Well-Known Member
I live in a dry state and keep my cannabis ritual separate from my family and kids. As such, until recently I did most of my vaping with a Dynavap and on occasions when I had the place to myself I'd indulge with my Vapexhale Evo. Recently I've had the game changing experience of purchasing a Phase3 ZX and it's revolutionized my usage! I'll still use the DV when out and about and I have a Solo II which gets brought along on camping/road trips. As such, if I could only have 1 - it'd be the Phase3 ZX. It is by far and above the best ritual experience I've had in ~30 years of cannabis use as far as flavor, ease of use, and cleanup (just glassware!). Strictly a flower user here.

Phase3 ZX?


Well-Known Member
Phase3 ZX?


(zombie) Woof.

Start here. At least one of these threads every 6 months.

And this one, too, waaaaay back (for me) even tho it was started for me... My one and only!:

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Well-Known Member
Even though I don't use my Dynavap daily, I think it would be my end of the world vape.
It can last a lifetime, and works with butane, or any heat source really. No batteries, or electronics to fail, plus It can hit as light or hard as you want to take it. Very versatile vape.


cantre member
I could live with just 1 but it wouldn't be happy! gleaning 18650's after the zombie apocalypse will be easier to find thane butane after a few years , though dual power options will always be welcomed, not much can go wrong with a small metal or glass tube!:zombie:
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I am the beetle in a box that only you can see
After the zombie apocalypse [it] will be easier to find than butane after a few years
You say this. I've done a calculation of my expected lifespan (I've another 15 years max) and stocklpiled sufficient butane to see me to the end. Except my original calculation was made on the basis of my Vapman/Dani Fusion usage, and it appears (at least in terms of remaining butane) TRWW TEDs and the EMK have taken years off my life.


Well-Known Member
You say this. I've done a calculation of my expected lifespan (I've another 15 years max) and stocklpiled sufficient butane to see me to the end. Except my original calculation was made on the basis of my Vapman/Dani Fusion usage, and it appears (at least in terms of remaining butane) TRWW TEDs and the EMK have taken years off my life.
does butane last 15 years in pressurized cans? or do you have another storage system? i know gasoline goes bad in a few years typically so gas stations post-apocalypse wont be as useful as we want.

that said, a small campfire can heat a dynavap or dani fusion. i think my ONE AND ONLY in an apocalypse would be a dyna helix tip with a perforated cap to start, knowing full well that the cap would inevitably be dropped and dented and i could scavenge various glass caps a la the TRWW quartz convection cap. i would specifically want a ti dynavap precisely BECAUSE it cools down so fast, and that way i can put the device in my pocket quickly and run if someone sees my fire. definitely would want a metal stem for indestructibility, and the vong (i) seems perfect for when i find 14mm bongs left by dead stoners.

in a non-apocalypse, i think it is still the helix tip, although i would love the opportunity to have both a perf cap and an fmj if that is within the rules. i love my fusion/stunner/m+/m7, and i find myself using those at least equally if not more than my helix tip since i run them all through water when i am home. but without (saline) water i find myself coughing like crazy from most vapes cuz ya girl has a TERRIBLE throat.

this is all probably moot once i get a tempest.


Well-Known Member
Honestly though, think most of us would be forced backed into "smoking"
It's just.... easier...
You only need the herb, and some kind of paper or leaf to roll it up with, or any type of pipe device that could be made out a pop can, or even carved out of wood.
Vaping sure got us spoiled!


Well-Known Member
made out a pop can


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Accessory Maker
I like how this thread started with the very reasonable questions of minimalism. Which one vaporizer could satisfy most of your needs for the rest of your life? Could you be happy with this? Do you like the variety or have you just not found something that suits you yet?

Then, quickly devolving into an ouroboros of mad max fantasy, we are now talking about burning our weed and throwing vapes in campfires.

Personally, I wouldn't last 6 months without supply lines getting my life saving medicines to me. And I don't just mean cannabis.

Minimally, I still think a something simple and straightforward, like a dani or similar, that can be adapted to many different stems or heaters, would have the best longevity for me if I could just have one vape for the rest of my life. I need many things, including heavy hitter and portability and stealth. More than that, I need variety.

Even with the dynavaps, I always thought their beauty was in their being modular self contained "vape engines". I can attach it to anything to change the format, while the core generates vapor from whatever you put in it.


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

VAS is real, I have it, you have it, we all see a device that is beautiful, or has a unique heating mechanism, or a different grade of material we like, and we just gotta have it! But let's play a game, if you could only keep ONE vaporizer to use for the rest of your life, what would it be?

I currently have the following vapes:
Sticky Brick Runt
Sticky Brick Flip
Evolv Cricket
Timber Elite
Multiple Dynavaps
HR Fury 2

Out of these, I would most likely keep the Sticky Brick Flip. Here's my reasoning:
The Flip Brick is both the most versatile vape out of that list and the simplest to maintain. It's compact enough to be portable, and strong enough to hit me hard at home. The 14mm/18mm stems mean I can use them with a wide variety of stems and water pieces easily, and the only accessories I need to maintain are the glass joints and heat intake, the screen, and O-rings. The Runt is, I think, the better all in one unit but lacks the versatility of the Flip.

My home is not conducive to a desktop plug in vape, so that's out of the equation for me. Plus if I did only have one vape, I'd want one I could take out of the house as well.

How about y'all?
One and only one?

Arizer Solo II
  • Glass chambered very clean & good taste
  • Repairable
  • No screens or other consumables
  • Portable and works with a bong
  • Reliable and provides consistent hits
The Solo is not my favourite vape, but if I'm only allowed one, this is it.



Well-Known Member
I like how this thread started with the very reasonable questions of minimalism. Which one vaporizer could satisfy most of your needs for the rest of your life? Could you be happy with this? Do you like the variety or have you just not found something that suits you yet?

Then, quickly devolving into an ouroboros of mad max fantasy, we are now talking about burning our weed and throwing vapes in campfires.

Personally, I wouldn't last 6 months without supply lines getting my life saving medicines to me. And I don't just mean cannabis.
to be clear, i am running right toward the zombies/bombs/robots/aliens/whatever because no way in hell am i functioning without medicine and cheese. but more hardy folk may use the big mirror for heating their post-apocalypse dynavaps
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