So when I made my first batch of qwiso I used ~ 20 grams. After looking at the Liquidizer vid I'm starting to think I maybe started with too much product.
So use smaller washes more frequently, say 6 to 10g wash every few days? Or a later wash less frequently?
I'm also thinking the Liquidizer is likely a handy tool for the tool box....
I like the liquidizer. Cool product. You'll see my comments when they launched.
In fact I was a beta tester for them.
Now, that being said I should tell you that you'll never use it. It only works with their stainless steel tube - zero adaptability. The basin in which you put your warm water is to small to hold the proper glassware aside from a cup or beaker (good luck scraping).
It also has no hope for upgrades. It's a clamp with a stand, that's it. Lol
Now on the flip side, if you want to make e-juice it's a facking brilliant device! That's what it was actually designed for.
Great company, the owner is a stand up guy and will be there whenever needed.
But the device wasn't designed for us BHombers.