The product looks good but not done. I would get the hang of bho before adding another chemical to the mix.
As far as the product not being done isn't meant negatively. But by looking at it I bet there was no stick to it all. And I mean to a point that the shit wouldn't come off the blade cause it wouldn't stick to the paper or whatever you were scraping on to. When that happens to me it's time to heat my blade a bit so I can get the goo off lol.
To be very candid that's the exact point in which I remove it from my initial glass dish and go to parchment. That's not even the halfway point for my vac process and I definitely don't want you inhaling tane.
The part about iso keeping the tane liquid longer baffles me. I have a simple trick for that exact issue.
Put the newport in the freezer prior to spraying. But, on the other hand - the only time you should want to keep the tane liquefied is if your submerging your weed like the mason jar technique. Not that I don't like that technique, I actually use it myself sometimes but it takes practice.
Based on the color of your slick I think you may have stripped a bit more of the plant than you wanted.
Getting back to the texture of the grease - you'll come to learn, and I'm sure
@DieHard and @farscaper1 and a bunch of the others will say that while watching over their chambers the material changes its form numerous times. In fact, after about an hour the shit will look and smell done. Flip it, and it'll bubble like a mother fucker.