I have a real n00b question, and this does look like the right thread to ask it. I've been searching and just haven't found quite the right info, so here goes...
What do you do with your concentrate once it's evaporated? I scraped my (sticky, clear/light green goo) into a small silicone Oilcan. As I didn't have an oil vape I mixed in a bit of dry herb til it was a bit less tar-like, and then I tried small pieces in a regular vape, sandwiched between more herb.
Over the hols I picked up an oil vape on a whim. When I got home I figured 'why not', broke off a small piece and put it on top of what I later learned is an 'e-nail'. The smoke was immediate and THICK! And tasted of forestfire from my AVB trial run. But it was an amazing experience, even the forestfire taste reminded me of camping. There was a very little bit of sparking, which I assume is alcohol flashing off. Anyways, not being quite pleased with the clarity, I dropped it into a batch of budder, and am about to try again, but this time with a mix of 20g of 24% THC and 10 grams of a 14% THC/8% CBD blend, and am aiming to keep this one in better condition.
Mistakes made: Mixed ABV and good bud. Should have stuck with ABV for trial.
Put a couple of paper coffee filters in a metal filter basket, and then dumped straight into that. It got gunked up immediately and I would up juggling a whole bunch of things til it finally drained, but it soaked a good couple of minutes longer than intended.
I only did one wash, and then froze the remainder and used it in a batch of budder a few days later.
*Next time - start with coarse filter, then metal coffee filter, and then decide whether to Aeropress the last bit.
* After decarb, freeze everything for a few hours. Drain into a steel bowl in an ice bath - keep everything as cold as possible until it gets to dehydrate step.
It'll be evaped in a small glass dish floating in a larger glass dish full of kettle-boiled water.
Once everything is evaped does it go straight into oilcan? Or should I be stirring or agitating during the dehydrate phase?
I've looked up some of the vacuum containers online - they look like a bit of a ripoff at over 100 beans just for the container. The same glass dish, with a bit of magic lexan from the hardware store, and you should be good to go. As for pumps - I did some airbrush putzing around a bunch of years ago. That should work for vacuum, and they are inexpensive - it's not like you are trying to suck-start a Harley or anything, right? An auto brake bleed kit is cheap. So are those weenie keyboard vacuums should be enough to create a slight vacuum for pulling materials out, or am I way off base?
TIA, and I did say it was a total newb question, right? But I'm enthusiastic