Concentrates for Noobs - Q&A


Flower Potted, Maxed, & Rio'd.
I convinced one of my "wealthy" friends to drop the 65 hundos on Mrextractor!

I cannot wait to try this mother fucker!

We expect nothing less than full and constant updates and a review including pictures when you start running that bad boy, mvapes! :nod:

Yes, we're all jealous....but, at least we can live vicariously through you...

freshly baked

Well-Known Member
I just made a half oz bud into bho and ran it into a small amount of iso in a Pyrex dish. Water bath in warm water probably about 120 degrees until no alcohol smell. About 1 hour outdoors on a windy 50 degree day. Now I have it indoors same Pyrex dish but it's sitting on a heat pad. The dish is registering 115 for with a infrared thermometer. My question is how long should I purge it for on the heat pad before it's safe? It's smelling really awesome! I hope to end up with shatter or wax. Thanks to anyone and everyone with an opinion.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
I just made a half oz bud into bho and ran it into a small amount of iso in a Pyrex dish. Water bath in warm water probably about 120 degrees until no alcohol smell. About 1 hour outdoors on a windy 50 degree day. Now I have it indoors same Pyrex dish but it's sitting on a heat pad. The dish is registering 115 for with a infrared thermometer. My question is how long should I purge it for on the heat pad before it's safe? It's smelling really awesome! I hope to end up with shatter or wax. Thanks to anyone and everyone with an opinion.

I think I may speak for everyone when I say - what?

You turned flower into BHO and then ran through ISO? I want to help but I'm not sure where to start.

Please go over your process again so we could jump in and get you straight.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
I get that part. But why? The ISO is going to not only agitate the plant but it's going to counteract the tane process.

Is this your first time? What kind of butane did you use?

I'm here to help.

freshly baked

Well-Known Member
Newport. I had read on an fc thread lots of people doing that saying when you don't vac purge it allows the oil to remain a liquid longer as to let the butane escape better. By the time the alcohol evaporates the butane has had more than enough time to do the same. Also something about polar and non polar but can't recall that part. Btw... thanks for your help!


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
The product looks good but not done. I would get the hang of bho before adding another chemical to the mix.

As far as the product not being done isn't meant negatively. But by looking at it I bet there was no stick to it all. And I mean to a point that the shit wouldn't come off the blade cause it wouldn't stick to the paper or whatever you were scraping on to. When that happens to me it's time to heat my blade a bit so I can get the goo off lol.

To be very candid that's the exact point in which I remove it from my initial glass dish and go to parchment. That's not even the halfway point for my vac process and I definitely don't want you inhaling tane.

The part about iso keeping the tane liquid longer baffles me. I have a simple trick for that exact issue.

Put the newport in the freezer prior to spraying. But, on the other hand - the only time you should want to keep the tane liquefied is if your submerging your weed like the mason jar technique. Not that I don't like that technique, I actually use it myself sometimes but it takes practice.

Based on the color of your slick I think you may have stripped a bit more of the plant than you wanted.

Getting back to the texture of the grease - you'll come to learn, and I'm sure @DieHard and @farscaper1 and a bunch of the others will say that while watching over their chambers the material changes its form numerous times. In fact, after about an hour the shit will look and smell done. Flip it, and it'll bubble like a mother fucker.


freshly baked

Well-Known Member
Thank you so much for your input mvapes! it is very much appreciated! I did scrape it off the blade again and put it onto an oil slick. I spread it as thin as possible actually sandwiching it between 2 slicks to get it as thin as possible. Then I put it in the freezer and peeled off the top oil slick. Now I think I'm just going to let it sit for a few days. My best bet I believe is to go ahead and invest in a vacuum pump. Thanks again for your advice and I will be reading and keeping up with this thread in the future. And you are correct sir it would not come off of the blade very
ps I did have the butane in the freezer prior to blasting. hopefully that helps. So I didn't f up my entire run? Is it going to be safe to vape?
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Well-Known Member
@freshly baked Thanks for sharing! I just wanted to add you need to heat/purge the iso after the initial scraping. Im telling you because it was a mistake I did.

If you want to use alcool to help purge the butane, I will suggest you to add the winterizing process. After the initial butane purge (no alcohol, the later process will remove butane left in it), dissolve the bho in ethanol, (I prefer it to iso), and freeze it for 1-2 days. Then refilter in a 10 micron ss filter in the freezer. You will remove the waxes this way. Then purge the solution, collect, final heat purge to remove all ethanol, and voila! Absolute Amber concentrate! Farscaper had suggested it to me and now I feel winterizing will be a permenant step in my extractions


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
@freshly baked - yeah you did very well friend. I agree with you and getting a vac would be ideal and solve most of your issues.

As far as winterizing and the ISO I would really keep it simple. Now I don't disagree with the process I myself never use that. In fact, after doing this for so long I would say I don't do half the shit I see out there on the Internet. Neither do most of my oil making homies, you fuckers know what I'm talking about! Why do you think no one ever wants to share their "tek"?

It's the same with the people who will say they always get 20%+! Lmao - trust me when I tell you that most fuckers lie.

I know this because I do.... :disgust:

I'll tell you what, you can pm me and I'll shoot video lessons and let you see anything you need too.


Accessory supplier
Accessory Maker
I get some freakish yields from one particular strain. And only from absolute "pick-of-the-litter" top notch nugs. When I run others its back to reality. If I winterized my oils I'm sure those numbers would go down drastically. I'm sure there are some waxes/inactives in there. I have often wondered if there was added weight due to water added to the oil through humidity and condensation inside the Tane can (it sweats on the outside, why not inside). Also condensation in the extracting tube. I'm not sure just wondering. I will always tell it like it is.


Well-Known Member
I get some freakish yields from one particular strain. And only from absolute "pick-of-the-litter" top notch nugs. When I run others its back to reality. If I winterized my oils I'm sure those numbers would go down drastically. I'm sure there are some waxes/inactives in there. I have often wondered if there was added weight due to water added to the oil through humidity and condensation inside the Tane can (it sweats on the outside, why not inside). Also condensation in the extracting tube. I'm not sure just wondering. I will always tell it like it is.
This is true, winterizing really shows you how much wax you can get! I will generally lose 1.5g of weight from every 5g of first run oil (made from top shelf trich drenched nugs) that I winterize! The oils already are pristine reasonably clear shatter before winterizing!


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
This is why so many d-bags leave it a bit under purged, it saves them weight.

I would say anywhere from 12% to 15% on primo nug.

10% to 12% is the typical middies to headies. If I don't break down the nugs and run it like 3 times I may squeeze out an extra percent but it'll cost me more in tane and it dogs the plant.

Now, a few strains dumped like mahfuckers.

Presidential Kush - 25%
Skywalker OG - 19%
Afgooey - 20%
Any purp - 2% :lmao:
Flo - 17%
Bubba Kush - 16%

And keep in mind, this is science so it must be true....


Well-Known Member
Reading thru this thread and have learned some pointers when I visit a dispensary.

Observations for shatter.
Color is not a determining factor. I always thought lighter is better.
Try to stay away from anything with a lot of bubbles.

Do you guys recommend packaged name brand or dispensary made concentrates? The packaged ones are usually on the shelf, not refrigerated. Always has a nice marketing touch. The dispensary made ones are in plastic container in the fridge. Appreciate any input.

I can't make them myself.
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But I like it!
So when I made my first batch of qwiso I used ~ 20 grams. After looking at the Liquidizer vid I'm starting to think I maybe started with too much product.

So use smaller washes more frequently, say 6 to 10g wash every few days? Or a later wash less frequently?

I'm also thinking the Liquidizer is likely a handy tool for the tool box....
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