id think they are doing a room temp vacuum purge.
I will try a very small run.
id think it would take substantialy longer...
now, I already do the first pull at basically room temp but never exceeding 100°F and take it to 28.5 until serious activity slows and then close it off at 20 to 25. then I typically work at around a stable 100 to 110°F.
so im really wondering.... what does define a cold purge.... how cold is to cold to purge... maybe 90° is a cold purge.... or 80?
im gonna actually look into it some more.
lol I just need someone to be a little more upfront about exactly what I need to achieve the clear extract product. I know its a form of distillation... lol but every time I mention more lab equipment I get the stank eye!

@NickDlow try putting your chamber in a pan of water and heat the water.
with thin walled aluminum chambers lack is thermal mass. so the temperature fluctuates more rapidly.
if thats what your trying to do... we are actually discussing cold purge now.