I've been leaving my bowl ball on, empty, most of the time. Like right now I'm at work and my OAB is at home plugged in, sitting at 11.2, empty bowl, but bowl in place. Actually, I never take it off, unless its to clear my hit or load/unload and it's been plugged in basically since I got it. I've even left it on there full of fresh greenies for a couple hours and just walked into the room taken a hit and its been totally fine.
The bowl ball definitely gets hot. Not nearly as hot as the heater ball, but borderline uncomfortably hot in some places where it meets the heater, but still I have no problem holding it in one hand and scooping herb with the other. Idk, I figure the best heat soak is a full heat soak? For the most consistent experience I would think anyway.
My only concern is for the time being I have it sitting on top of a covered radiator, a little worried the heat is creating excess humidity and traveling up into the heater sphere.
Is there something "wrong" about leaving the OAB plugged in constantly like my log vape? Or anything to worry about from leaving the bowl on, other than it being hot to the touch? ? Even with the fresh green left in there for an hour or so, it didnt seem to discolor or effect the first pull what so ever.
I always remove the ball to clear a hit, but once I'm done clearing it / recovering from the hit, I usually stir and put it back where it goes so it's ready for the next hit. Or just continue to hit it until shes tapped out and discard the AVB and put the ball back in place.
Haha I gave this a try over the weekend... two full bowls back to back like that. Epic. Broke an already small nug into little tic tac sized pieces and let her eat. crushed them up a little bit in between hits and seemed to just release more and more vapor. Not sure it's something I'd do EVERY time, but definitely if I'm looking to chill for a bit and enjoy the session.
Something about tossing a quick couple pre-ground scoops into the ball and going for a big rip just does it for me.