I noticed the B-Stock this morning but I was so busy running around I didn't have to a chance to post about it and it was gone quick. Congrats
@Texus the B-stocks are well worth the price difference, you're going to love it!
I've had both the VapBandit and VapBong firing every night for the past few days, hitting them back and forth, getting so stoned I was falling asleep last night sitting on a stool after a fat rip

. What a pair these two are.
The VapBandit is much more restrictive for airflow which disappointed me at first as the wide open airflow is the best selling point of the device imo but it hits hard and gives the vapour a slightly different signature even with the same essential design so I am very glad I own both. Both are wide open compared to most devices, the VapBong takes me 2.5 seconds for a hit where as the Bandit is 5 seconds. Bandit is better for sitting, even picking up. If the stem was wider (mine is about 9/16" without pulling out the calipers) the airflow would be more comparable to the VapBong so hopefully they will consider making a wider version.
I love both and will buy an art edition of the VapBong (most likely unless I find a Bandit I love) at some point hopefully this year. Although part of me is disappointed that customs are not currently available I'm really excited to see what they release next. I'm hoping for some fun 420 bongs with Cannabis leafs plastered on the surface. That lava cobblestone finish with some green pot leafs would definitely find a way to my desk lol.