That looks a world better. I was stoned yesterday And my GAS made me want that microscope asap. After looking back at it i saw what
@Frederick McGuire also noticed. That second perc in the mouthpiece isn't gonna work at all, other than a pretty straw. Now if Jane can make that Second Microscope for a fraction of the cost with a little extra neck Iength 'll grab one ASAP!! I'm sure other people would also be interested
Honestly, Imo those "rocket percs" or whatever they are look ugly as sin...
I also just almost pissed myself laughing that they've used showerheads as accents

Where should be the reinforcement , which part of the mouthpiece is weak?
sorry, just noticed I didn't actually answer your question last time.
The brace would go directly below the male mouthpiece joint, then bend 90 degrees and attach to the main can.
Do you all find kleins and other multi chamber rigs are any more difficult to keep clean?
Imo not really.
They might have a nook or cranny that might be a bit harder to get to, but generally I find if im about to clean something, the hardest part is just getting off my lazy ass and doing it

Also, PBW works wonders on just about anything
Ime, the hardest thing isn't so much the cleaning, but it can be tricky to get all of the water/ISO/whatever fluid completely out of the piece. (mainly with incyclers)
Dude, it made those pics look artsy as fuck

Just makes me kinda dissapointed I got one of stevens first ball rigs like a year ago...
I was pretty underwhelmed by it, and have only used it once or twice...
Oh well
Not on their store yet. Hope they have an all clear version.
Oh. Holy. Shit.

Didn't watch that vid before, I thought it was a mini tree rig for some reason...
I'm gonna be on that like a fat kid on a cupcake...
I've pretty much decided if I even halfway like a China prop perc once they're made I'll get a real pukinbeagle one (damn you exchange rate making it more expensive

The function still looked a little off in that vid (looked like some air was escaping before it hit the end of the perc), but it looks pretty close... Looks like it's Like 70% there?
I'd be down for a black base/lip wrapped one, but yeah, clear all the way just looks so much classier than the "China colors" that they use...
And also looks like an FTK prototype I've been asking them to build for a while now:
Any thoughts? I think the FTK could use more fab holes.
So it's essentially a fusion of the ball rig, a fab egg, and an incycler

Yeah, I'd agree it could use a few more fab holes, but that looks pretty nice
They also REALLY need to up their game on the video production side of things...
Instead of an 11 second potato vid, make it 30 seconds, in focus, and have an actual demonstration of the piece (note, I don't mean function test, we know they don't exactly consume much MJ, but just a decent water test)...
Like really, instead of 1 super hard 3 second pull (which literally no-one who will ever use the piece will use... No matter what they are smoking/vaping), just a nice 10-15 second pull, and then the crazy "suck a golf ball through a garden hose" pull...
The thing that stopping me from pull the trigger is that I don't know how stable it will be with a reclaimer and a sublimator on it. It looks very stable but that is going add some weight and if its not rock solid I don't want to put my sub on it.
if you want to wait, once I get mine I'll let ya know how it sits with a sub + cloud buddy.
Since you can angle the ash catcher any way you want, not just directly away from the main can, I'm almost certain there'll be a way to get it to sit nice and stable...
Hell, the original piece is meant to be used with the cloud, which while not exactly as unwieldy as the sub, it's pretty similar in terms of weighing a piece down...
Please encourage them to do more holes before they produce them. to me it almost looks like a combo of the ball rig and a Klein. Also what perc is being used?
first time I read this I hadn't clicked the expand quote button and thought you meant the microscope rig was a Klein...
Spent like 10 minutes looking at the pics again trying to figure out how the hell it would drain back down before I realized you were talking about the other one