For anyone who has the FC-1000 how stable is the neck on that and how easy is it to empty? One of my side car pieces from Steven broke super easy and the hole was small and hard to drain. The other option is the FC-707 but I already have pieces with necks like that so I am leaning towards the FC-1000
I pick it up by the neck - feels fine.
The whole thing feels really sturdy like the FC-187 - thicker glass than most other rigs is the impression I get.
It's very easy to empty.
There are no nooks or crannies for water to get stuck in.
Basically, tip it upside down and approx 1/2 the water will come out, and 1/2 will fall back up into the dry chamber.
Flip it back upright, then upside down again, and just about all of what is left will come out the mouthpiece.
You occasionally get a few drops that won't leave the dry chamber that way, but they very easily fall out of the inlet joint so long as you tip it right.
Basically, Its piss easy to empty so long as you can look at the piece and understand which end of the piece the water wants to come out of...
I gave mine a PBW wash the other day and had no significant issues filling, emptying or flushing it