@NickDlow said, it's the fc-1000
It is the matrix pillar, with bubbler style mouthpiece, 18mm female inlet
There's also the fc-707 - which is exactly the same except for a bent neck tube style mouthpiece.
The fc-711 is the mini pillar.
It has a different perc - a little egg shaped showerhead
Different pillars - only 4 vs the matrix pillars 8
Much smaller volume
14mm female inlet
different mouthpiece - direct knockoff of the sovereignty original

The matrix pillar is more of a flowers unit... There's no reason you couldn't take some fat dabs through it, but it's large volume isn't the best for oils generally
I am seriously loving it after using it with the solo and LSV - It's actually a serious contender for my favourite bong I own
The mini pillar is much more of an oils unit, more noticeable drag ime...
It's a really nice little rig, and it's certainly cool if you're looking for a relatively high diffusion dabbing rig, but I personally wouldn't consider it a must-have...
The fc-1000 is MASSIVE compared to the fc-711.
Just on materials and shipping alone it would have to cost more...
sure, some china pieces are getting more expensive, but that because we are asking for (and getting) much more complicated and intricate pieces...
Consider it relative to equivalent american made pieces...
So a legit Mobius Ion goes for about $330.
A FC/GB 187 is gonna go for $35-45
Approximate price range ~ 10%-15%
A legit sovereignty Peyote Pillar is like $1,200 - $1,500
The matrix pillar was $70
So that honestly closer to ~5%, but I'm happy to still call that ~10%
Even Steven's Stereo Matrix
Legit mobius version $420-$480
stevens version - $63
so ~15%
still reasonable in my books.
That is the REAL sovereignty mini pillar.
The fc-711 is a direct knockoff of that design.
So yep, they're pretty similar
What's shady?
maybe, but shady? no
Sovereignty put in the time and $$ for R&D on pillars (AFAIK the whole pillar concept is a sovereignty creation, but I'd be happy to be schooled on glass history if that isn't the case

Sovereignty are known for great QC
They could charge the
GDP of nicaragua and it still wouldn't be shady...
Shady would be selling a fc-711 by claiming it was ACTUALLY a sovereignty
I daresay quality american labour is a shit tonne more than 2x china labour...
I'm not denying that a lot of sovereignty/name brand stuff is expensive.
I fully acknowledge that they might be able to lower their margins and maintain profitability.
But I don't begrudge anyone for their prices...
A bunch of people seem to have some deep seated hatred for some fundamentals of economics...
(not trying to call you out specifically EH, just following the discussion

You can find adapters on dhgate, Oregonglassblower can make some nice quality adapters if you're willing to spend a bit more (basically OGB will charge you what an adapter should cost, and DHgate will gove you 5 adapter for that price, but you've gotta buy 5

Otherwise just ask the seller if they can switch out the included glass bowl/nail etc for an 14female-whatever-joint-size-you-need adapter.
They might charge you an extra couple of $$, or they might throw it in
Just as I thought I was all done with DHgate for the time being, they send out that coupon

Now I've gotta find something to add to the fc-cake to get me to the $100