Always cool to make someones day, sucks that someone has to be so far down though
Yeah... it does suck. I try not to judge, tho I assume for at least some they end up in a bad situation because of their own poor decisions. But, who knows? I could be in the same boat if not for luck and the help of friends and family at some key points in life. What bothers me is there were plenty of people bitching about the homeless problem there who were wearing suits that probably cost close to a month's pay for me, while others who didn't appear to be nearly as well off would throw some change or a buck in a cup. Nothing unusual there I know, but still pisses me off.
There was something that really struck me as weird though.... A few times my traveling partner and I ended up with leftovers from a meal. One time it was some really awesome food I kept and ate late night. But, the other times we gave our leftovers to people on the street. We even had a snafu at a restaurant where they really screwed up someones order and we ended up with a killer sushi roll to go we hadn't planned on. In all but one case where we gave people the food (about 8 or 9 times total), they were really surprised. I've done the same when staying in cities on East and West coasts for years, but never saw surprise like this from the recipients before. So.... seems like this doesn't happen much in Denver - in spite of the large number of conventions there and thousands who have been heading there recently for legal smokeout vacations. A crying shame IMO!
So hey.. if you're in Denver or anywhere else, throw a bone to someone if you can. How much are you really going to enjoy the last 2 pieces of your personal pizza, or that last few bites of burger and cold fries? Pass it on instead of throwing it in the trash and having someone dig there for it a day or two later! Same is even more true in Denver if you over-purchased in your excitement for legal weed, or have other things you don't want to take on the plane. Don't throw that shit away - pass it on to someone who will appreciate it!
Sorry for being off topic!!

But, sometimes I get a little

at how people are and am thinking there are many out here who just never think of such things or don't give a shit because it isn't someone they know. For me or you or someone else a buck or a half eaten meal doesn't mean shit and has a better chance of being thrown out than eaten. But, for some people it could be their best meal of the week, and they don't even have to dumpster dive for it.