Cheap High Quality Bubbler


well-worn member
AFIK the difference between the GB-186 and the GB-186-1 is the lot size. The 186-1 is for single unit sales. I do not remember seeing 2 different sized versions.
Sorry got confused, mixed up the gb-186 & gb-187 :freak:

:o $11.59 shipped ?!? Looks to be over a foot tall:

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Mister G

Deceptively Old Fart
That listing actually gives choices for different pieces at different prices. The one pictured by @grokit is $27.28



This is what is 11.59 I think the price might be an error so get it for this crazy deal price while you can

May not be an error, may be limited time sale, the page says 20% off models A-H, each have different prices that change when you pick the little relative thumbnail. They have a D022 for $25 free shipping (I might have to get that) and a D020D (not sure what variation) and some other things.

This looks like a new vendor though, maybe no track record.
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Well-Known Member
So does anyone have a link on a solid straight or beaker base tube without a second perc? I swear every tube over 13" has a showerhead that I can find, or is marked up to hell. Just looking for a cheap basic bong that is styled as such, between 13-15" preferably. Really having trouble finding such, all it seems there are are stemless and knockoffs of showerhead/tree perc tubes that are very pricey. I know there is alina's/radiant's, but with shipping it's nearly 60$ to canada.


Well-Known Member
I don't think It's an error. I purchased this piece from the seller "foryou2000" about a month ago for $9.66 when it was 50% off.
$9.66 shipped from China? And it came safely? That has to be some kind of record. I have seen some good 30% off deals but never 50% off
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You Must Unlearn, What You Have Learned...


Well-Known Member
$9.66 shipped from China? And it came safely? That has to be some kind of record. I have seen some good 30% off deals but never 50% off

Yeah, it got here decently packed in one piece. I believe it was the cheapest piece on DHgate at the time i ordered it.

Just pulled trigger on that beauty and a dabbaccino! Here is the correct link:|1586780191

I ordered one of these myself just to see if the Chinese pieces can have decent worked sections, as all my previous china glass is all clear.


Active Member
Another interesting discovery on the honeybucket / fixed honeybucket topic that makes me also re-affirm that it is china glass is the following.


Notice the inconsistencies in the two colors, why does one set have welded percs to the bottom while the others don't, configuring the percs in two ways seems VERY fishy for a local blower, hell even the size/shaping of the downstem in the middle are completely different. Aside from that the percs differ in size to a fairly large degree, and the mouthpieces come in at completely different angles.

To top it off the titanium version nails also SCREAM china, no elbow is even on the joint of the honey bucket itself. All of these things for upwards of $300 just seems SUPER sketch. And again what @blankrider said as well, no artist names are being given at all at any of these places.

Hell after the new Mobius was released last week you could buy a brand spanking new Ion, Nuc, Reti for the same price.

I'd definitely steer clear of these as I'm sure the source will rear its head sometime soon. That and I fully believe we can see replicas on DHgate for nothing over $100 (i would assume) someday.


Well-Known Member
For anyone interested in cheap-ish honey buckets with caps and bangers, this guy has them for $50 and $30 respectively. Not sure where he sourced them though someone on IG mentioned Brazil. I posted more on it in the Cheap High-Quality Nail thread and I'll post my review there as well when I get them.


Please read the thread or search as this has been asked numerous times. Search for reviews of the gb187 (2) or the d020 (1). Personally I'd go with the second as it seems more akin to the mobius matrix perc as opposed to a 1 layer reti, and is I believe 2 or 3 inches taller (someone with both can measure up). If it were me I'd use the SSS for the gb187 or kathy for the d020
Edit: sorry it seems like it's a smaller gb187 with 1 band instead of 2. I'd still go with the gb187 from SSS from the above though for 4$ more, taller/wider can and better qual (
I see a lot of people are asking glass advice as of recent- my recommendations are as such:
1. 10-12 Inch female bubbler (solo/most vapes use male joint adapters so these are prime)- gb 187 based on reviews alone. Personally I have a US made piece very similar but a circ to turbine so these are kind of non appliant to me without having a very unique perc
2. Larger tube- I'd probably say the mobius stereo matrix knockoff (you will not have your percs be straight, just dont expect it to happen haha) so the function seems to be a little chuggy and off, but still seems solid for a larger tube. That aside I'd just go to a local glassblower and pay <$100-150 for just a normal clear pulled bong around 16" with basic downstem/none that will last you a lifetime. I find people looking for a bong style tube will most definitely have theirs break from china, while I really have had solid experiences with US glass. (except sovereignty, my sov downline king broke so bad I won't buy another again out of pure agony, piece worked great though)
3. Recycler- my current vote actually goes to either the recent pyrology knockoffs (these actually look like they function dope and I might even grab one or the slumgold ( And between these two I'd probably lean towards the slumgold one, a closed colored downstem that seemingly functions very nicely (the other I would say would have more of a smooth pull vs this very chuggy one, and that is my personal preference towards chuggy rigs). That being said, wait til they pop up on other vendors aside from CCG for less $$, and with less shipping charges / terrible recent customer experience [personally I won't buy from them now].

OK this was actually helpful as a summary. It can be difficult to read 500 pages and search for things especially when vendors don't use the model number for their versions.

I am soon to purchase a Solo, GonG, and bubbler to replace my (somewhat large and conspicuous) Extreme and have a few questions for the veterans of this thread. Like many I'm guessing, I was interested in the pinnacle hydrotube, until I figured out it wouldn't satisfy some of the requirements below and I might have to dump the water every time... (nope!)

1) I'm seeing the D020-d listed as a favorite update to the most recommended bub for the Solo (D020). I am liking this and wondering if Kathy's or SSS is the preferred one. has a better looking matrix perc (if I'm saying that right) but more $$.
Kathy's looks great for $25.
Still not sure tho.

2) I'm seeing that most people are buying Gongs from PV. Since they sell male and female adapters, why then do most people say the same as above, that the Solo requires a female bub. There are a lot of male bubs to be considered. Is the Male bub/Female GonG less stable or desirable somehow? I can get 18mm or 14, why does everyone say that you 'have' to get the 14mm? PV is sold out of both the regular and shorty male adapters in 14 but have 18... not known when I can get 14s, I guess... any other thoughts? No wood for me, just glass.

3) Folks have any thoughts on the following models being better/worse as a primary bub than the D020-d? I really do plan on just one bub and not more than. Trying to reduce footprint.
Ones with recyclers (both of these look cool):
Ones with arm perks:

Here is a list of my preferences:
1) Somewhat concealable, not a beast, but big enough to use as your primary device for 1 or 2 people.
2) Very easy to hand hold and pick up, not sit on a table. (Grippable and easily passable to the novice)
3) Zero water makes it to the mouth. (I guess this is a given, although many vids with models lacking the Jhook look like water might chug up on clearing)
4) Somewhat forgiving when it comes to appropriate water level. Don't want to babysit my device or ask others too (aka no learning curve).
5) Solo on top. Don't know if it's just me, but the models that have the Solo attached directly above the center of gravity of the water look more stable (and grippable/passable) to me and less likely to tip but this is not based on first hand information.
6) Works fabulously with the 2014+ Solo with improved airflow. I don't want to screw around with lining up holes on a GonG to make airflow better (goes against the low learning curve I want) etc..

Thanks for any assistance- especially if I've got anything wrong or on the other bub choices in question 3.



What a guy!
I've read a couple of people mention that they want to order this piece,

but not from CCG. @DieHard posted a few pages back that it was available from Kathy for $35.23.

Here's his post with the link. I ordered one that day and will post a review when it arrives.

Answers to Questions inside the quote.
1) I'm seeing the D020-d listed as a favorite update to the most recommended bub for the Solo (D020). I am liking this and wondering if Kathy's or SSS is the preferred one. has a better looking matrix perc (if I'm saying that right) but more $$.
Kathy's looks great for $25.
Still not sure tho.

Between Kathy and SSS it's 6 of one, half a dozen of another. You'll be getting pretty much the same quality for the same price. And don't judge by the pictures, that is not the exact bubbler you'll be getting.

2) I'm seeing that most people are buying Gongs from PV. Since they sell male and female adapters, why then do most people say the same as above, that the Solo requires a female bub. There are a lot of male bubs to be considered. Is the Male bub/Female GonG less stable or desirable somehow? I can get 18mm or 14, why does everyone say that you 'have' to get the 14mm? PV is sold out of both the regular and shorty male adapters in 14 but have 18... not known when I can get 14s, I guess... any other thoughts? No wood for me, just glass.

For me most of my vapes have a 14mm male connector so my preferred type of glass has a 14mm female joint. If it had say a 18mm I'd have to add another connector, or 2, which just adds more stuff hanging off the end, making it taller etc. Picky I know. That being said if the perfect bubbler for me had a 18mm male I'd use the connector.

3) Folks have any thoughts on the following models being better/worse as a primary bub than the D020-d? I really do plan on just one bub and not more than. Trying to reduce footprint.
Ones with recyclers (both of these look cool):
I've looked at this one for myself and love the look, but he perc is too low and needs to be higher near the intake tube.
I liked this one too, but passed for the same reason as above. In addition the recycling portion looks a little small and I don't think it will vortex. I'd wait to see a water test on that one.

Ones with arm perks:
Both of these have too much diffusion for my tastes, but each to his own. Although the second one looks good if you want a drink. i.e. You'll get a lot of splash back up the mouthpiece.

Here is a list of my preferences:
1) Somewhat concealable, not a beast, but big enough to use as your primary device for 1 or 2 people.
2) Very easy to hand hold and pick up, not sit on a table. (Grippable and easily passable to the novice)
3) Zero water makes it to the mouth. (I guess this is a given, although many vids with models lacking the Jhook look like water might chug up on clearing)
4) Somewhat forgiving when it comes to appropriate water level. Don't want to babysit my device or ask others too (aka no learning curve).
5) Solo on top. Don't know if it's just me, but the models that have the Solo attached directly above the center of gravity of the water look more stable (and grippable/passable) to me and less likely to tip but this is not based on first hand information.
6) Works fabulously with the 2014+ Solo with improved airflow. I don't want to screw around with lining up holes on a GonG to make airflow better (goes against the low learning curve I want) etc..

Thanks for any assistance- especially if I've got anything wrong or on the other bub choices in question 3.

As a thought to your preferences I'd say you're spot on with the D-020 or D-020-D from either Kathy or SSS. Great pieces, good price, it'll do what your looking for and

Anony Moose

Active Member
I'm seeing the D020-d listed as a favorite update to the most recommended bub for the Solo (D020). I am liking this and wondering if Kathy's or SSS is the preferred one.

Sunshinestore is the most trusted seller here; best customer service, best packaging, etc. I'd get it there.
Anony Moose,
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little maggie

Well-Known Member
I've ordered a DO20. But there are so many different types of water equipment that the whole topic is confusing. What's the difference between one with a percolator or arms or recycler or oil rig etc. Is there an article somewhere that explains these different types and the strengths of different ones?
little maggie,


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