I just got a response from one of the DHgate sellers about making some of the designs we want. He seemed like he was very pleased to have my input and said that he would talk to his engineers about getting them made.
So far I suggested faberge egg, ball rig, klein, and the pyrology dime piece. He asked me for one more design and I was going to suggest diffusion pump but I figured I would ask you guys for suggestions.
+ 1
for more HT's , like the PNWT n F-bomb .
But in various sizes and different percs to
fit with small vapes ( Solo ) and bigger ( EVO ) .
Ones with double chamber percs , like a tree arm can on top of
a honeycomb can , or other combinations . If
they can keep it at reasonable prices , we can purchase
several types to try out . They may even save on glass
b/c of no wide base needed or extra welds . idk
Also ,
Do you want to provide your ' contact 's e-mail address ?
maybe we can write to him 2 , to help move things faster ...