So how is the size of the D020-W compared to the Ion Matrix? I'm guessing the Mobius is slightly larger?
The D020-W is my new favorite piece.
I just got them out and compared them.
- The can on the mobius is approx 1cm taller than the D020-W.
- The OD of the can on the mobius is either the same, or maybe 5mm larger, it was hard to compare eyeballing them - I'll have to do some proper measurements soon.
- The diameter of the base on the mobius is 1-1.5cm larger than the D020-W.
- The thickness of the bases are identical, but the D020-W looks a bit more rounded at the edges compared to the more squared off mobius.
A few random comparisons between the D020 & D020-W and my mobius collection:
- The mouthpiece on my D020 is almost exactly the same diameter as my ion, maybe 1-2mm larger. The profile of the flair is a bit different, aesthetically I prefer the mobius mouthpiece, but functionally I prefer the slightly bigger mouthpiece of the D020.
- The amount of water I put in both the D020 & the D020-W is the exact amount of water I put into the Ion Matrix.
- The Matrix on the D020-W has 10 slits, with 1 band running through the middle of it, leaving 20 points of diffusion (2 per slit). The Ion Matrix has many more slits (I've never counted, but I'm guessing its gotta be 30 or more), with 2 bands running through it, giving 3 points of diffusion per slit (so like 90 points of diffusion or so?)
- The D020-W has a definite drag to it (Not bad, but noticeable), and is IMO in no way a replacement for a mobius ion. It's perfect as a similar piece to hand around to clumsy buddies or the like, but the only reason I'd reach for this over my ion is if I want to play with it for its sidecar mouthpiece (Possibly the small opening of the mouthpiece is whats causing the drag? The only other thing I can think it could be would be the perc itself being a bit draggy...
Also, the mouthpiece on my D020 is ever so slightly rotated left, so it's a tiny bit off.
Not enough to be noticeable on a quick inspection, but its there.
my fritted AC also has a small crack in the can, where the frit is placed. It doesn't seem to effect anything, at this point its just a visual flaw. I don't know how long it will hold up, but so far no issues using it as is.
I was going to follow your lead and just use it anyway, but when cleaning it I noticed a pinhole in the upper connection - it's not airtight

It'll probably still function well enough, as the hole is tiny, but 2 cracks and a pinhole are leaving me underwhelmed by the piece at the moment...
So it seems a bank nicked about $25 of my transfer to Lamin...
Anyone else heard of this happening?
So I paid $128usd + a $22aud processing fee to my bank, but Lamin only received $96usd...
He said his bank charges $8 per receipt of payment, but that leaves like $24 unaccounted for...
I'm gonna check with my bank tomorrow, but it seems odd...
Lamin is honoring the purchase at the reduced price because I showed him my records clearly showing I paid $128usd + the processing fee.
I suggested to him that he set up a Paypal account to possibly save on bank fees, and he's open to that, now we've just gotta convince him to go for individual sales lol.