Cheap High Quality Bubbler


Well-Known Member
with the solo I find smaller is better and I would try to avoid anything with too much drag as the solo has enough restriction as is. Ultimately though it really comes down to a matter of personal preference.

Thanks for that.

So what what type of devices produced the least amount of drag?

clouded vision

Well-Known Member
I meant as a rule: percs, shower, dome, stem, HC,..?
It's not really that easy, it really depends how the piece is made. typically a showerhead is going to have minimal drag but if the slits are to small or there aren't enough then it will have drag, same goes for domes. Honeycombs shouldn't have much drag either but as they are normally stemless, there is usually a slight chug to get them started but if it is a well made piece it should purr with no drag after you get it started. The only type of perc I can think of that is always going to have some drag are fritted discs.
There really isn't a hard rule about which type of perc has more drag, it's more about how well the piece is made. Look for any obvious restrictions or bottlenecks in the piece.
I can tell you that my infamous bubbler (showerhead) pairs very nicely with my solo which would lead me to believe that the ali showerhead would be a good match also. OTOH I really don't like using the solo with either of my honeycombs because the solo's restriction prevents the whole disc from firing.


All my days in a daze...
Has everyone's aliexpress honeycomb 10 arm come with a female joint so far? I'm looking for a piece about this size with a female joint and it seems like most people have been getting females ... I send message to seller hope she get :D I was looking on iOffer earlier and atomic glass has this exact piece listed for $99.

Just ordered one of those honeycomb-to-10arm tubes. Also hope I get a female joint.

For $35 why the heck not. I'll likely play with it for awhile and then give it away to one of the stoners I know who is still smoking from a homemade bong made out of plastic bottle lol.

I just had to try one out.


Well-Known Member
Another consideration re: drag is what type of GonG or Vape you have. i.e. for a Solo if you use PVHES GonG, drag is already mitigated with the higher airflow.

Non PVHES GonG already has the milkshake draw, so any additional drag could be tough to manage etc... YMMV

Well that of course depends on the kind of milkshake, a McDo one then yes I agree, kind of half runny half Icecream, really poor yet still enjoy it...once a year.

On saying that the methaphore works for both, a shitty milkshake or a great quality one, The cheaper I've covered but the upper one, the real one, well the real deal, one with fruits, well say no more, you know that feelinf of that strawberry bit stock in that straw!!! :horse:


Well-Known Member
I found w/my Solo, the inlines, stem lines, H/C's,UFO shower head, all draw nice and smooth, A few other pieces I have are a bit more to hit as far as pulling on em.I do find the PVhes made a big difference from the stockies,especially with a very fine grind,I incidentally have found a small air gap helps,I pull the stem out about an 1/8" and it helps me get even more flow w/ the PVhes. BUt the Solo mates well due its versatility of the GonG,the thing hooks up to W/T's nicely with out a whole bunch of tubing or whips,not knocking those who do, I am clumsy when I get baked and with shit hanging out over and around the rig,I'll screw up and out comes the broom and dust pan for the shards!!:( YMMV
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Sorry, I must have misinterpreted. I thought you were saying that you didn't want AliExpress or Pipesdaddy so you were looking for USA made. Still $60 including shipping is pretty close to $50, might be worth considering paying $10 for non-imported glass made by a company that really know their craft. Or if you'd like something slightly more heady you could get the worked version for $68 including US shipping.


It says on the product page that you can pick the colour and I've seen Colie Glass pieces in Slyme, Lemon Drop and all sorts of other colours. Some of those recyclers that have been posted in the Colie Glass thread have been absolutely stunning. You can also choose what size you want the GonG joint in both male or female.

I'm not trying to pressure you into spending more than your budget, I just wanted to make sure you were aware that you could get something truly unique by spending less than $20 more than you've currently allocated.

Can you link this piece? I couldn't find it. In the market for a bubbler right now and exploring my options!

Hoof Hearted

Vapesallday Industries
Ordered this:

Got a Bowl instead of the Oil Rig. A little bummed out because I bought a 14mm female to 14mm female in case I wanted to use this as a traditional pipe.

I wanted this oil rig (I know crazy to think I'd get what was described :lol: ) This is my third purchase from the vendor and not sure if I should file a dispute since the item is wrong. She wrote this to me "Hi,About the 10 Arm Perc i lose the Oil rig 3 parts i will send you tomrrow.Very sorry." I thought she lost my order and was going to send me it tomorrow. :doh:

But, here is a look for anyone interested:

Only $36? Is there a catch to these cheap pieces or somethin?
Are they thinner than they look?? Flawed somehow? What's the deal?
I've only puchased glass from ALT and know I've been overpaying but $36 seems too good to be true
Hoof Hearted,
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Well-Known Member
Only $36? Is there a catch to these cheap pieces or somethin?
Are they thinner than they look?? Flawed somehow? What's the deal?
I've only puchased glass from ALT and know I've been overpaying but $36 seems too good to be true
Yes low quality control and often the Chinese creators dont really know how its properly suppose to function so sometimes the percs are ridiculously high.


Well-Known Member
+++1 Correct, you have to eyeball fuck the hell out of em to see the if they are going to be a hit or a miss.

I ordered and rec'd the double showerhead afterwards, which I like very much, the Bingo line was built great IMO and for the $$, I felt good about the purchase, My last purchase was the 6 arm detach MP bubb from the alliexpress at the beginning of last week.I told myself,DONE!! ....until they all break .....and then the cycle starts again!!

I agree you really have to look at this cheap glass and really all glass very close. LHS probly think I'm wierd cause I will stand there and even look at the expensive glass up and down for a while. Lately I've been thinking I need a small oil rig beacause I heard a smaller path will give a better hit. But I dont want it too small like these 6in little rigs I see, they look like nose burners to me, and they are too much at 150$ for a little tiny thing... wtf.? now I'm using a converted 13 1/2 in beaker with a oil reclaimer thing on the front. What do you think of this oil rig? Does someone make a straight up and down U joint reclaimer to use on this? I Also want to put my 14 mm Dab Esential domeless on this but I but see if it is 14 or 18 ???


This is what I using for oil now, a cheap convert bong. with a Dab Essentials Domeless Nail on it that cost 3x what the bong I have been wondering if I will really get a better oil hit out of some thing smaller?

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I would think the smaller the size, the more time/effort/attention is required. The prices makes sense with those factors applied.


$150 for that little inline rig is a LOT. I bought almost the exact same one for $59.99 locally...
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All my days in a daze...
I got my M&M Lattice about a month ago. What'd ya think? New version.


If you notice the changes from the original prototype, i believe they are:
-splash catcher
-grip rings
-extra support mouth piece

NICE! I love the new version. It takes care of the few dislikes I had about the original.
Love the new neck, splash guard, and mouth.
On the older version the neck joint to the can was too low causing quite a bit splashback.
Now they're raised it to near the top of the can and put the support underneath instead of above.

Think I'll have to pick one of these up now. Damn it. Arg. Wallet... hurts...
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