Didn't mean to step on toes @
SSVUN~YAH but I like to try and keep people informed!! I have both of these syndromes quite bad.. although I feel like my VAS is worse than my GAS hahaha
I felt froggy after selling off my SOL bubbler and solo
Oh man, lol, I read your post twice and just as I was quoting it realized you didn't say you felt Foggy, but FRoggy and apparently ready to leap!! Was going to say I would feel super FOggy too after selling a Seed Of Life piece and Solo.. Ummm also didn't see that SOL in the classifieds ever, but I do tend to miss things there sometimes(good items go FaSt!!) Hope it went to a good home!
Back on topic.. Is everyone else's hometown over saturated with cheap glass shops now(and hookah bars)? I swear 3 shops(+additional hookah bars) have opened on the same street within the last 4-6 months here in my city, that sell glass that seems pretty obviously made over seas(not super thin, but not extra thick). That being said, I have bought a few ash-catchers/small bubblers for real cheap that have performed nicely.. Just curious if demographics are similar elsewhere too?!?