I saw why you hated it and it was my concern as well and wondered why you didnt send it back,they also sent the rig free ship'n..
This isn't so practical if you're an international customer, and shipping can be almost as much as the order cost. The way they handle international shipping is a bit ridiculous, actually. Their shipping calculator comes up with ridiculously high numbers. I don't know if this is because they have the wrong weight or cost values in there, or if they're just estimated (very) high to be safe, but if you had to pay the shipping calc's quoted prices
nobody from overseas would order.
When i placed my first order months back, they told me to just put the order through, and they'd work out the real shiping cost and charge me that, and that this was the only way they could do it; he couldn't take a list of items and give me an accurate quote beforehand. Turns out, what
actually happens, is that they charge your card
immediately for the full order and inflated shipping estimate price, make up the order, then a few days later before they actually ship it, they refund the cost difference between the inflated and actual shipping cost (like $90 in the case of my most recent order). This sucks because I paid bank currency conversion fees to make that unneccesary additional payment $AU to $US), then paid conversion fees
again when they refunded it back to me ($US to $AU), so I only got like $70 of that $90 back. Yay.
I told the other 1/2 if its defective send it back but fortunately its closed and bubbs up really nice and smooth,
Well, great. Sounds like mine is defintely defective. The photo on the website is kinda ambiguous as to whether it's open or not, but leaving it open is silly, so I'm assuming if yours is closed, they're all meant to be. Doubt they'll replace it, though, given the shipping cost for them is probably more than their cost price on the pipe, so I'm sure they'll come up with some excuse.
With a closed downstem it's a decent piece for $50. I've had to block mine with a ball bearing. Have to remove the damn thing every time I use it so it doesn't rust, but I haven't found a glass bead the same diameter yet. Just wish it had six slits per side instead of three. There's easily room for six with the same spacing, which makes it an incomplete design in my eyes.
I would agree that it may not be a real clean piece, inline is a freelance design ,no doubt,
It's actually a stemline. If the housing tube of the slotted tube is perpendicular to the slotted tube, it's a stemline, while parallel to the slotted tube is an inline. Also stemlines tend to have side slits instead of up or down, but not always if function warrants otherwise.
BTW friend bought 11" inline /honeycomb tube for 64 bucks from PD and built very thick, it hits very smooth and stacks like mad, yeah its cheapie but it was made decent the inline was straight/reinforced,honeycomb seem to be placed correctly in height from the inline and was level and the stemless was bridged to the can
I actually ordered one of those (and a few other pipes) a few weeks back. My package just arrived today and I'm really disappointed. The honeycomb pipe is
missing; they've sent a taller version of the same pipe instead, which doesn't mate very well with my Extreme Q, and has fewer inline slits.
I ordered this:
...but they actually sent me this:
(Mine has the blue dot, 4 inline slits and everything. Also, having the thing in my hands, I can say the thickest glass is 5mm at-most, not 7. It's just a slightly taller version of the above pipe, which is also 5mm tops.)
I also reordered an infamous bubbler, to replace my one with a broken 18mm input, and it was
completely absent (though they sent a circ ash catcher I didn't order, possibly by mistake instead of the infamous?). I also ordered a Snakster to go with a Lotus that should be arriving any day, and that too was
completely absent. :/
The ash catcher is a "
14mm to 19mm Shower Head Glass Ash Catcher - Blue" which I didn't order, and isn't on the invoice. Not that it matters as it's 14mm output and I have no pieces with 14mm input, and even if I did, the catcher seems defective; the output fitting is twisted so the catcher cannot sit level due to its own weight twisting it around towards the ground. It's bent 45 degrees like it's meant to be, but also twisted 45 degrees on top of that. Well, more like 35 degrees.
Oh, and I also got one of those $20 oil rigs I mentioned, and mine doesn't resemble the photo much. It has a much smaller,
much slimmer can, and a very tiny base that tips easily, compounded by the fact it leans precariously to the left. The downstem is off-centre and only comes 2/3 the way down the can. Weirdly, the glass in the mouthpiece is thick as fuck (~3mm), which is nicely sturdy, but makes it really top heavy and even more prone to tipping. The can itself is made of much thinner glass. There's also scratches and a sharp spur of glass on top of the mouthpiece right where the lips touch. The last issue could be cleaned up with a file and MAPP torch, but it still shouldn't have been shipped out that way in the first place.
Edit: There's also a small glass blob on the bottom of the DI joint (on the actual taper) that prevents a dome from seating all the way, so the dome wobbles and leaks air through the joint.
I've sent them a long message detailing all the problems, so lets see what they do...
I'll probably upload some pics and review the four pieces I got once the order is all corrected and finalised. The weird thing was, I actually told their support before I ordered that I intended to review all four pices for a forum, and to make sure to pick good examples if they didn't want anything embarrassing in the reviews. Despite that, I got all the crap above. Not a good sign. :/
No complaints from PD yet but i dont think you should have passed on hav'n em send you a new one,from what I read they are good w/replacing defective shit
I didn't pursue replacing the crappy $50 oil rig because of shipping hassles and costs, but you can bet I'm not going to stand for two missing pipes and one incorrect pipe.
knowing its import I think they expect it and make the amends to hold sales and also to be good biz merchants.
Well, here's hoping that's the case. I'm pretty damn annoyed already, but if they try to mess me around further I'll be livid. This is completely their fault in regards to picking the order, and I expect them to supply the missing stuff and cover the cost to ship it. It's what an honest business would do. They're
still selling fake titanium nails, though, so I don't know how upstanding and trustworthy we can consider them. :/
(Also, please use paragraphs. It's much easier to parse and quote.
