Cheap High Quality Bubbler


Well-Known Member
If I were to get only one bong/bubbler for my vaporizer ( Flashvape ) Should I get the infamous $40 or the SSFG travel beaker? I'm planning to buy something in the next few minutes :)


Well-Known Member
If I were to get only one bong/bubbler for my vaporizer ( Flashvape ) Should I get the infamous $40 or the SSFG travel beaker? I'm planning to buy something in the next few minutes :)
If the price difference isn't major to you, an SSFG travel beaker w/ showerhead downstem should be leaps and bounds higher quality.

The infamous is great as a backup piece, cup-holder rig, or a 1st piece if you want to make a minimum investment to test the waters.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
I just may not be able to see...I didn't forget the vid just busy and not feeling like doing it when not. I will and then you can all let me know if the slits all fire. My vid will be even more low tech since I have no idea how to do one. I don't even know which program.


JoDa Glassworks
Glass Blower
Hey to u guys with the infamous,
When you ordered and got your shipped confirmation email, did your tracking number work?


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
It works fine you have to wait about 24 hours. Tomorrow night more then likely it will say shipping info received but not much more info. That is how USPS works unless you picked fedex or whatever.


Well-Known Member
i believe this piece has been discussed here before. Looks okay.

My own experience with grasscity on the other hand...Dunno where you are from, but I am sure you will find niecer pieces for same pricerange in your area...I always tell European people to check out head&nature from germany. I used to own some pieces from weedstar, and i know they get a lot of shitty reactions because they tend to just copy stuff and use china glass and so on, but for someone with a low budget their pieces definately deliver.

So shortly, check these out:

Oh and they have this one in stock too:
I believe it's almost half the price of what they asked on GC...(hehe, let's see what happens after all the people here find out about this bargain...)

my :2c:


Higher, Higher, Baby...
And I thought my damn duck, was/is funny.

Thank you, for surpassing my personal bloopers.

LMAO, I just watched your travel beaker video, and that duck noise is hilarious. Difference was I knew I was defeated, you tried valiantly to survive though. :rofl:


I live in a small city in the south of Spain and here people don't even know what a diffuser downstem is. So no quality pieces here.

I will take a look in head nature, but I really like the bubbler in GC. Let's see what pieces they have in the same pricerange.

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
Frederick McGuire,


Well-Known Member
That's the version of the double bubbler that doesn't have a showerhead on the fixed stem in the back chamber. It just has a non-diffused fixed stem.
Euhm, no it's not...first comment should have given you a clue ;) it definately has both showerhead diffusion parts.

head and nature simply has some amazing prices in comparison to for instance grasscity...just my :2c: take it or leave it lol :shrug: it sure sucks that one can only pay by banc transfer wich takes almost a week in some cases, and then there is the waiting game for the 'post-man'(or UPS or DPH or whatever these days)

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
Google Translator of the 1st Comment said:
For me, the Double Bubble is really the best Bo 'I've ever smoked. It cools just perfect, because in the 2nd chamber ever so Difusor a shower head is installed, what you can not see in the photos. The head is very small, but it fits the Double Bubble, because with such a small volume, it is better to smoke anyway smaller nearly-pure minds. Aufjedenfall I can recommend this device, it is worth every €. Thanks Ziggi

Ahh, well then ;)

I just looked at the pics they had up
Frederick McGuire,


Damn, the GC bubbler was 20€ cheaper yesterday -.- now they quit the discount.


aka Gordon NugzB
Ahh, well then ;)

I just looked at the pics they had up
I did too, and the pics show a 3-arm tree in first chamber and normal downstem in second chamber. I saw a link to a different bub earlier in this thread that had a 3rd pic similar to this one that showed a whole different perc set-up...confusing on the sellers side...
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New Member
Just a quick question with the Infamous 40$
Could i still use a bowl and use it like a normal bubbler?


Over the falls, in a barrel
Just a quick question with the Infamous 40$
Could i still use a bowl and use it like a normal bubbler?
Yes, you just need a bowl with an 18mm male GonG joint. Just keep in mind when looking at the pictures that the vertical distance from the top of the female joint of the bubbler to the height of the top of the mouthpiece is only about the length of a AA battery. With the angle of the mouthpiece I'm sure you could still hit a tall bowl without burning yourself, it just might be a little cozy…


Damn you, Frederick... says it right there, in the first comment!

Für mich ist die Double Bubble echt die beste Bo' die ich je geraucht hab. Sie kühlt einfach perfekt, da in der 2ten Kammer auch noch so ein Duschkopf Difusor eingebaut ist, was man auf den Fotos nicht sehen kann. Der Kopf ist zwar sehr klein, aber er passt zur Double Bubble, denn bei so geringem Volumen ist es sowieso besser kleinere fast-pur Köpfe zu rauchen. Aufjedenfall kann ich dieses Gerät nur empfehlen, es ist jeden € wert. Danke Ziggi

Which roughly translates to...

For me the double bubble is real the best Bo' that I have ever smoked. You cools perfectly, because in the 2nd Chamber even a shower head Difusor is built, what you can't see on the photos. The head is very small, but it fits to the double bubble, because at such low volume, it is anyway better smaller fast-pur heads to smoke. Anyway I can recommend this device only, it's worth every €. Thanks Priscilla




natural farmer

Well-Known Member
natural farmer,
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