The main difference is price...about $100 without any discount codes (the TAG looks good at 30% off).
The Kromedome is not restricted like the 12" straight fab with SOL pec I own...that is restrictive.
No chug, more of a hum...just pretty good overall for around US$50.
Yeah I actually like this one a little better even, a little taller and the shape is more fun:
Get the TAG 8.25" Multiplying Inline Bellow Base Recycler, which has a female joint measuring 50x9mm and 14mm. long-lasting and effective for smooth hits.
But yeah even with the discount on "2nd quality", that is going to come to $84 shipped, as opposed to under $45 getting the matrix version on DHgate... Plus that one has colors!
I have not spent more than $50 on any recycler yet, for dabs I don't really feel like I need to invest that much for my usage frequency? (Shut up, I know I've bought too many rigs to justify that excuse, but I promise I will get rid of some!)
I have the TAG inline with slits,
they make another with holes that I have not yet tried... I imagine it may have a little more chug.
Yeah that's the one I was talking about, the 9 inch one, it seems to be the same body as the DHgate one, that one is also 9 inch and the shapes seem the same, but they have different mouthpiece and the perc of course as we're saying!
I suppose it makes sense that it would chug more than the slitted inline, but I still don't really understand what you're saying, because it feels like the barrel matrix inline would have the least chug of all of these?? Although I don't know maybe you're right, inline perc is smooth especially with slits on top although I think on the sides maybe better even?
I have not tried many recyclers but enough to come to a few conclusions. Chug does not bother me as much as restriction. I find that any chug from the initial perc is quickly smoothed out as soon as the recycling action begins.
Restriction on the other hand, will fuck up an otherwise balanced setup. Harder draw, often requiring higher and more precise water levels (especially for Klein rigs).

I find these more restricted types tend to pair better with a torch and banger than enail.
Okay yeah, this is what I mean, the draw restriction on a matrix is like non-existent, like it is really smooth with slitted inline, I think the barrel matrix inline is going to pull even smoother with less chug and far less draw restriction in fact... It could be though that slits are smoother than holes in this inline type implication... Of course I may be wrong, but there are a lot of factors in the draw restriction, like Les was saying with the straight fab FOL, the mouthpiece itself and its diameter is a huge factor. And I think there is risk with the mouthpiece, on both of them really, so less cost justified?
Anyway yeah some of mine do take some chug to get going, some are more smooth pull without any restriction, it has a lot more to do with the uptake tubes and the mouthpiece than just the perc though, is what it seems like so far... For recyclers at least, like you say, the klein chamber and such, there are so many factors in the pull! This cheap one seems to have wide tubes otherwise...
But also you make another good point, I'm pretty much only using these for torch dabs, I don't have an enail, I have bottomless banger Sai buckets, but hardly ever used those yet still... So yeah hot start torch banger dabbing is what I'm going to use this for, primarily, though I also think it does look better for use with Sai stuff than the color rigs I have?
Yeah so the TAG one that you have, 8 inch tall so not that much shorter than the one I linked above, and $20 cheaper for that "2nd quality", so the extra quarter inch and funky or shape of the more expensive one probably is not worth it... But even for $64 shipped, I don't know, having it be small and clear like that, even with supposedly better perc, and the 2nd quality, is kind of offsetting the desire for me... Like I might be willing to get a more expensive recycler like this at this price, if it also fit some of the superficial desires I have for it??
FlyingLow, I'm sure you already are aware, but for everyone else too, GooRoo Have started there BlackFriday20 code for 20% off (I guess the days of 25 and 30 are gone haha oh well) and hey they have an upline:
american made glass bongs and pipes
Thank you both again!
As of now I am leaning towards grabbing it, the Lumin88 blue 9 inch barrel matrix inline one, for the $43 ish, we'll see when the coupon codes are active soon enough... But yeah for the price and style, size and function, I think it could be good pickup for me despite the matrix (that mouthpiece gives me a little pause, yeah could be more restrictive and chuggy than I would like, but it might be better than what I already have...)
By the way they do also have
these, which have the color and fun for me, but I think they are too big, and I don't know about the shapes exactly...? The slits of the inline, even though they are different on each color, are both facing down here though, so definitely more chug and a little restriction although the rest seems open enough at least?
However for flowers, yeah I think I have to grab (and I did!)
this TAG 9 inch donut slitted fountain perc with whip / modular mouthpiece for $74 shipped, damnitall