Howzit everyone. Just wanted to pop in and share my thoughts on my newest piece. I got a Sheldon bong from sunshinestore on Dhgate a few weeks ago. $47 shipped. Loving it so far. I have a knock off mobius matrix sidecar birdcage, but I didn't like hunching over to use it. Also not fond of the trumpet style MP. The FC_UFO was nowhere to be found at that time so I ordered the Sheldon. The higher MP is good, but now I realized, I can't see the milk.

No problem though, I mainly use a whip.
I didn't care for the six shooter stem at first, but the vapor is so damn smooth that I think I'm loving the six shooter style better. IDK yet, I got a birdcage style stem still on it's way.
The one blemish I found, was that the stem sits crooked in the bong. Still functions fine though. Very happy with my new piece. I also have a few adapters coming to hopefully use my j-hooks as MPs. Very versatile piece.
I'll post an action vid in a little bit.