Dear FC followers,
Do you think it would be worth a shot to write to ALiExpress and ask them if they could alter some of these cheap bubblers everyone keeps on talking about?
Anyway I started a draft mail (see below) and I would love your impact as I have not used them but read various comments posted about them.
ps: English is not my mother tongue
Dear Kathy HU,
First of all thank you for putting cheap bubblers out there on the market.
They have been lot of talks on forums regarding your bubblers (for which you will find links below) and many suggestions have been made in order to make them truly desirable, as opposed to, “they are OK, not great but then again they are cheap”. How fantastic would it be for your sales if people were saying, “they are great and on top of that they are cheap”
we) hope you’ll be happy to hear some suggestions in improving the design and whether they would have any impacts on the manufacturers?
So I’ll (
we) start with this one
Number 1:
CON: The honeycomb is too high therefore too much water needs to be added and it ends up in our mouth = NOT GOOD!
Is there any chance that the tube (holding the bowl) and the honeycomb be moved lower, closer to the bottom of the glass so that it would reduce the risk of water getting too high?
Number 2:
CON: The 5 arm Perc is too high therefore too much water needs to be added and it ends up in our mouth = NOT GOOD!
Is there any chance that 5 arm Perc be moved lower, closer to the bottom of the glass so that it would reduce the risk of water getting too high?
Number 3:
CON: the TRIPLE-HONEYCOMB is too high therefore too much water needs to be added and it ends up in our mouth = NOT GOOD!
Is there any chance that TRIPLE-HONEYCOMB be moved lower, closer to the bottom of the glass so that it would reduce the risk of water getting too high?
Number 4:
TO FC MEMBERS: Is it the same issue again or was there something else to be added ???
Number 5:
Single shower head
(the one jambandphan03 is so happy with)
A while back you had a similar bubbler to the others but with 1 Single shower head, is there any chance they will come back soon on your market and if so could the same alterations be applied to it? ie; lower shower head.
Many thanks for reading me
(or on behalf of whoever wants to get on this bandwagon???)