MMMM, First hit off of the Mega Mai Tai Klein. So fucking smooth. And so pretty!
Yes, That will work for you as well, I almost linked you that. The heights may be a little off but if you put the cap or reclaim catcher on the other (top) side that will do the trick. And yes, OGB is a US glass blower that will make any adapter you can think of. Just tell him what you want and he can make it if he doesn't already have it.

can you explain a bit this about OGB? what is that, a glass blower in the states maybe?
I'm in EU so buying from US is problematic because of shipping fees and also there is a potential problem with customs.
I can't believe that there are all kind of shapes and dimensions of glass pieces from eBay and DHGate, but this particular is nowhere to be found :-(.
I have another option that I'll try:
,but I was hopping for those 90 degree elbow connections so I can use original bridge adapter.
Yes, That will work for you as well, I almost linked you that. The heights may be a little off but if you put the cap or reclaim catcher on the other (top) side that will do the trick. And yes, OGB is a US glass blower that will make any adapter you can think of. Just tell him what you want and he can make it if he doesn't already have it.
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