that design cant work as far as I can imagine though...
In order for that 2nd perc to be removable, it's essentially have to be a removable downstem.
Thats easy, but then how do you get vapor to the inlet of that downstem?
You'd need something flexible like a short section of whip...
Thats why I said AFAIK the only way for the percs to be removable is in something like the devastator...
That looks horribly draggy...
And a massive WTF to an inverted showerhead that high in that sorta tube... :hmmm:

sure the function is pretty off ATM, but aesthetically if find it... Intriguing
The crazy percs can get a bit overwhelming, but at the end of the day, all we are trying to do is get vapor under water.
Keep that in mind and most pieces should end up making sense if you think about them
So yeah, in this case you insert the downstem (long tube) into the main piece, and attach your vape to that.
That will allow the vapor to travel down the stem and through the water in the piece