Thanks for the tips I think I needed em...I did add more water and I think your right I was pulling to hard initially...the trick is to slowly pull to get it going...I did not even know about those techniques yet lol...It is a little better but way to much drag for my liking...more drag than any piece I have ever hit. Also the hole coming up from the showerhead seems to be like 1/8" big by watching the bubbles...that seems a little small for me...Steven is working with me to figure it out...maybe its just a poor time I will purchase one with a little more simpler design...the piece is def high quality just doesnt pull right...tons of drag =\ guess I shoulda done more research....guesss you get what you pay for....+ a little bit more from china =p
Honestly I think it's just the design...
A reverse firing matrix like that just screams bad design to me...
I've also seen pieces with reverse flow showerheads just like that too...
Again, IMO it's just poor design.
A matrix is basically just a modified showerhead, and IMO a showerhead is in no way meant to function in reverse.
Showercaps are showerheads modified to actually function with reverse flow like that.
That fritter is essentially acting the same as a showercap.
I didn't want to comment on the design right after you posted you bought it because I couldn't figure out how to word it without sounding douchey, but IMO it just looks poorly designed.
Seems to me to be a decent example of how they seem to design pieces over in China - just slap some nice looking stuff together and see if people will buy it.
MJ really isn't much of a thing over there in China, and it appears to be pretty evident every time they try to make something that isn't a clone/modified clone...
It doesn't surprise me that the piece is drag city - you've got 3 percs, one of which is a fritter, and it's moving heaps of water around...
It was kinda hard to tell from your vid (a more stable shot showing all of the piece [except for the top of the mouthpiece so you can keep your face out of the vid

] might help), but it looked like it was functioning just like Stevens.
Also, any time you're water testing a piece, superman style hard-as-you-can rips really aren't all that useful...
Once a vape/nail is attached, you're not gonna pull that hard, and everything will function a bit differently.
If the piece won't function with a gentler draw, it won't function with a vape attached...
Eg. IMO, The FC-710 doent seem to function 100% on a water test, but works like a champ once a vape/nail is attached.