Cheap High Quality Bubbler

UPline water test:

Inline water test:

The Inline works great! For $19 it would be great as a spare piece. Or maybe even a main piece if you want something super incognito.

The Upline however...its OK. There is just too much restriction. You can get big hits from it though. Just have to suck in slowly for a long time. It is also pretty small, like 10 inches to the mouthpiece. If it was a bit bigger, it would be perfect.

Have only tested with bud so far. Will be getting some concentrates in the upcoming days.

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
My local is importing wholesale branded chinese glass. I allways thought he's sketchy,
now I know!
Just throwing it out there, there's nothing sketchy about importing Chinese glass and selling it for a markup.

If there's some dishonesty about the glass itself - eg direct claims its us made, then that's certainly sketchy, but a business having a general markup on their wholesale price is just... How business works...

(To be clear, I'm not trying to say your particular lhs isn't sketchy, or that you, @hafalump bear any ill will towards retailers, it's just a bit of a general attitude I feel like I've seen floating about for a little while...)
Re-read your comment and saw that your local is selling branded China stuff.
Sketchy indeed :nod:<- but make the face :|

IMO we should be considering ourselves lucky we can get such great wholesale-level prices for single item purchases.

And while we can get those prices I'm riding that train hard :lol:
I think I've picked up something like 20 new rigs over the last year or so thanks to dhgate :lol::science::rockon::tup:
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Anony Moose

Active Member


Log Hog
My FC-710 arrived also!!!! The only thing I noticed was a little air bubble in the weld for the mp into the can. No biggie cuz it works great, I think lol. It's my first diffusion pump. The flavor is great and the vapor is pretty cool. I think my water level is right. I've seen it above and below the opening in the tube. Which is right?



Well-Known Member
UPline water test:

Inline water test:

The Inline works great! For $19 it would be great as a spare piece. Or maybe even a main piece if you want something super incognito.

The Upline however...its OK. There is just too much restriction. You can get big hits from it though. Just have to suck in slowly for a long time. It is also pretty small, like 10 inches to the mouthpiece. If it was a bit bigger, it would be perfect.

Have only tested with bud so far. Will be getting some concentrates in the upcoming days.

really excited to see you using the inline with concentrates. if its good im might get one or two of those.


My FC-710 arrived also!!!! The only thing I noticed was a little air bubble in the weld for the mp into the can. No biggie cuz it works great, I think lol. It's my first diffusion pump. The flavor is great and the vapor is pretty cool. I think my water level is right. I've seen it above and below the opening in the tube. Which is right?

I have this cheap low income bubblèr from kathy 0057.
The D020 having intercourse with a pnwt = this bubbler.

Maybe I will take a picture in the àm?


Log Hog
I haven't heard much talk about Yingmin5's sidecar 187 here. Has anyone picked one up yet? I also noticed that it is only available in lefty (mp on right). I'd love to see a video if anyone has one yet. Thanks.


Well-Known Member

This may cause some delays on any newer purchases.Lets hope these guys get their act together for what ever reason theyre grid locking for. This effects everything we practically use everyday INCLUDING OUR GLASS !!

Damn those LSWU, dont they know FC users want their rigs delivered on time??? :\

Wish CH would make some of the recyclers with 18mm joints. I use 18mm gong on my Solo and opened up the heater holes ever so slightly with watch makers tools and it helps tremendously, a lot of the 14mm with the 14 mm I hardly use any more , and have em for back up in case the 18mm's do a kamikaze dive off the counter to the floor. I have only one 18 mm recycler and the thing rips and vortexes quite well (with a ton of water I might add) but I purchased a few 14mm recycler's and had tried them with the 14mm gongs and nothing to write home about. I understand the majority are built for concentrates. Flower vaping mainly and even try the 14's with the newer model Solo and still not much to brag about, so I sold off the 14mm recycler rigs.

Hats off to the designer dudes who have captivated the glowers in CH , really love:love:what you dudes have done. As always a lot of good peeps sharing great ideas and having fun doing so!!:rockon:.......:peace:


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I haven't heard much talk about Yingmin5's sidecar 187 here. Has anyone picked one up yet? I also noticed that it is only available in lefty (mp on right). I'd love to see a video if anyone has one yet. Thanks.

My GB-187-S has left China, and should be delivered early this week. I'll be sure to give some side-by-side comparisons against my FC-187v1


Accessory supplier
Accessory Maker
If it means the LSWU gets their voices heard, then I am willing to wait however long it takes. It is a good thing there is not a Glass Blowers Union. If there was I could not in, good conscience, buy any of this glass. (I'm a union man!):nod:


Well-Known Member
If it means the LSWU gets their voices heard, then I am willing to wait however long it takes. It is a good thing there is not a Glass Blowers Union. If there was I could not in, good conscience, buy any of this glass. (I'm a union man!):nod:

I hear you DH. 25yrs in IAFF and still in, even though retired, Unions have their place in a lot of businesses. I am grateful for mine, they were always making sure we had up to date protocols and safety equipment. In firefighting you want them to be as tuff as nails on mngt. otherwise we would be using garden hoses, and rain coats for protective gear . I am gonna bum out in 2018 when the unions are no longer exempt from Obama care and already my union is talking about going to the exchange or paying the fine on your taxes. Oh well nut'n I can do but play and pay and hope it doesnt go sky rocketing where all I will have is the fine to pay and no bennies. Im cancer recipient in remission and need medical bennies . Lost a lot of my L / lung. But still puff'n on my Solo and it was the magical herb for me while I was chemo'ed to death and blasted with radiation, made all the side effects of chemo/radiation a lot less ugly. As Ataxian says CANNABIS IS THE HOLY GRAIL:tup:


Well-Known Member
This may cause some delays on any newer purchases.Lets hope these guys get their act together for what ever reason theyre grid locking for. This effects everything we practically use everyday INCLUDING OUR GLASS !!

not to sure about this making it take longer, most are e-packet, which is by air

from alibaba ,

How long it will take to ship the products from China is basically a question of mode of transport. Air freight usually takes 5 – 7 days while > sea freight takes around 4 weeks < . If you’re sourcing suppliers on Alibaba, you’re likely to order fairly large volumes and in that case, sea freight is more competitive than air freight.

Delivery time
The transit time from China to most locations in Europe and the United States is roughly 29 – 35 days. However, keep in mind that it can take a few days – sometimes up to a whole week – before your cargo is loaded in the port of loading in China. The same thing is true in the Port of Destination, it usually takes 2 – 3 days before your cargo is cleared and ready for pick up.

Sea freight is indeed quite slow and this means that importing from China certainly requires a lot more long-term planning compared to domestic product purchases. This has also been a major cause for the recent surge in reshoring in Europe and the US. In general I recommend businesses to place an order at a minimum 3 months before they need the products in their warehouse.


Walter Bishop

Well-Known Member
The message at sunshine says my glass has been delivered and there's no sign of it. Has this happened to anyone else ordering from DHgate?

Yeah, I'm going though some goofy stuff with Sunshine and tracking as well. My order never left China according to tracking. They are claiming it's already at JFK sorting in NY. But the fact is it's been 20 days since my order, and it hasn't tracked since day 2. Even USPS tracking never shows it hitting the U.S.

So I dunno what the heck is up. Thankfully I'm only talking about a $35. order. But it's definitely a bit annoying when you can't get accurate info, or verify where the package is at.

Hopefully your box just shows up. At least that's what I'm hoping for. Heh.
Walter Bishop,
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Well-Known Member
Oh boy.:worms::doh:
The question now remains: do any of these workers make bongs.
If so, that would explain the high prices. And I'm out!
If not, it's all fair game.

everyone has a choice.
if a glassblower chooses to join a union ,which causes his prices to be high.
that is his problem, not mine, the glassblower made the choice to join the union.
do you shop at walmart?


Well-Known Member
I check every label of everything I buy. It drives my family crazy. I try to patronize businesses that treat their employees fairly. Everything I buy can't be Made in the USA but I make an effort every time I shop. Am I a hypocrite for buying bongs from DHGate. YES!

i do not think you are a hypocrite for buying pipes from china.
how many glassblowers in the USA make products for our hobby are in a union?

i do not shop at walmart .
we no longer live in a US economy ,
we live in a world economy , imho.

sorry, no more rants, back on topic


Alicia, while appearing willing to help, can not help me, it seems.
I am recommending all to avoid doing business with
beauty_center, as they will not help.
They told me that they can not replace my pipe with the correct one due to Chinese New Year,
and I was offered a $10 partial refund on the $26.14 I spent.
I did finally try to use the pipe. It was difficult because it would not stand up without being held, and to top that off three of the five arms were glazed shut!
Alicia fought my request for a full refund.
DHGate dispute process took 48 hours, and they have forced beauty_center to give me a refund in full.
They wrote me a nice letter (although in poor English) apologizing for Alicia's stubborn adherance to providing only a partial refund.
My faith in the DHG system has been somewhat restored.

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
I tried out pairing my Sublimator with the FC-710 last night...

I was a bit hesitant at first (setup was a bit unwieldy - 14f-18f adapter -> 14f-18m teflon sub adapter -> 14mm sub buddy -> 14mm Sub. - Just the adapters are worth almost 2x the rig :lol:, and the vape is almost 20x :rofl:), but it worked quite well :D

Retained heaps of flavor, but still conditioned the vapor enough that I could rip it without the discomfort I get from dry vapor...
(As a reference point, I hit the sub dry the other day and regretted it immediately. Quite harsh and uncomfortable... Even the little filtration/conditioning the 710 provides was enough to make it a much more enjoyable experience.)

I've done precicely 1 dab out of a rig that wasn't the FC-710 since I got it :D

Wasssup brethren! Was recently surfing and perusing the wares on DHGate and came across this stereo matrix look-alike:

Does anyone here on FC have experience with the seller (HF_glass)? Or even better, do any of you know of a cheap knock-off stereo matrix on the market?
I've never dealt with that seller.

That looks similar to Yingmins Stereo Matrix
I own one, and aside from the mouthpiece/neck connection looking a bit janky, and the silly Roor logos it's an awesome rig :D

Steven is coming out with a nice looking stereo matrix too, but it's not in production just yet (I think it'll be going into production after CNY)
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HIgh Septon of Trenchtown
I've never dealt with that seller.

That looks similar to Yingmins Stereo Matrix
I own one, and aside from the mouthpiece/neck connection looking a bit janky, and the silly Roor logos it's an awesome rig :D

Steven is coming out with a nice looking stereo matrix too, but it's not in production just yet (I think it'll be going into production after CNY)

I'll definitely have to pick up one of Steven's once they're available. Looks like the cleanest of the bunch. Thanks so much for the info!
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