If you don't want to be lied to, deal with fake tracking numbers, and the rest of it, don't buy from China. This is the same whether you are buying a bubbler or Christmas lights or damned near anything else. These things, like the lesser quality control and waiting for the slow boat from China, are part of the whole deal. Not all the time - or even most of the time when you are relying on the wealth of info and experience here on FC. But, this is why things are so cheap. When you buy other crap from China - from US vendor, or even Walmart - they are jacking up the price 200-500% (and more) while dealing with the headaches and bullshit for you.
If you want that "customer is always right" experience, you have to pay for it. And, not just for stuff made in China. And, lying is not a shady business practice all over the world. In many places it is called being business-smart (often even here in US). And as for being deceptive, do you mean like making counterfeit copies of US designs and selling them for 10% of the price? I thought that's why we're all here!
There are other options. You can head over to ALT and pay hundreds, or you can go back to the first 75 or so pages of this thread before the Chinese Glass Connections were researched and chanced by a few courageous FC'ers (so thankful for them!!). There are plenty of almost as cheap pieces available that aren't nearly as elaborate (and many with thinner glass).
AFIK, buying glass like this directly from China is a fairly new thing (1 1/2 years?). There have always been other places to buy some Chinese glass, but prices weren't nearly as good. It did usually come from US vendors (who purchased in bulk from China and re-sold).
And, you can still go to iOffer or Etsy and find US sellers who are now selling many of the same pieces here. They have them in stock in US, generally don't lie or send bad tracking numbers, and get them to you quickly. Think most of them even accept PayPal. And, their stuff is still cheap - only about 2x what we pay on DHgate.
Here's a nice D020 on iOffer for $55.71 that should be in stock and get to you from US to US in 3 - 5 days. Exact same piece on DHgate (ss store) is $29.13, but you won't have it for 3 weeks or so. Hell, you could probably even pick it up with an offer on iOffer of $50.
Beyond that there are still some reasonably priced US blowers you can deal with. Quality will almost always be better, and headaches usually less. One of my favorite pieces - jhanpixel UFO sidecar - is very similar to the FC-187 and can be had for less than $150. Check it out
here. He is an FC member and will usually take an offer for 10% off (maybe even a little more if you mention FC). And, I'm glad to testify that it is an awesome piece!
But if you want to get decent glass at really low prices, China is the way to go. Just keep in mind you're dealing with Chinese vendors who live in a different culture and have different accepted business practices. If not, you might as well be pulling into the McD's drive thru wherever you are and tell them you want Grade A Japanese Kobe beef on your $1 double cheeseburger. You find one where they'll do that, please let us all know. And, I'm already sure everyone will share where to get solid glass with no lies or bullshit for $30 - 50 a piece. That's how this thread moves as fast as it does!