Sounds like an awesome idea
Would the aquarium silicone be safe to expose to ISO/PBW further down the line?
I don't really mind if it looks dirty going forward, so long as it is actually clean...
On a side note, does anyone know how safe it is to be using these China made pieces? Or I suppose the better question would be has anyone ever felt adverse effects from the stuff they bought on DHGate?
I haven't found any information directly related to the stuff on DHGate, but most of the raw materials in China are made from highly illegal "recycling" practices like using hazardous medical waste. I've ordered a few things from sunshinestore, but i'm kind of worried about cadmium and other impurities found in the boro glass.
the only things i've ever heard people worry about is the fritted disc percs and poorly melted in frit on spoons. chinese fritted disc scares me a little but i still use one a few times a week at a friends house.
it could have just been a dave goldstein fanboy hating on chinese frit, idk
I actually don't understand your concern with the fritted disks? I have a dhgate fritted disk and I find it functions just fine (probably my favorite dhgate piece atm)
Yeah i'm probably overly cautious, but i'll only buy glass that has a fritted disc if it's by an American glass blower. I highly doubt these Chinese manufacturers are going to take the time to make sure every tiny shard of glass is welded properly where it won't come off. Seriously, half the time they don't even make sure the base doesn't wobble. Fritted disc are way more tedious to not talking about function, just safety. there were people claiming the chinese fritted disc were possibly unsafe, probably because it's essentially crushed glass and that would suck to inhale?
i think that's the same complaint glassblowers have about colored frit in spoons not being melted in fully, i'm just guessing as i dont blow glass.
also, i thought this PDF on care and handling of PYREX fritted glassware was interesting
Really bad wrapping job... the wrapping got skinnier around the delicate mouthpiece. RAAAA. Really nice thick glass otherwise. I hope he sends me anothermy first DOA WAAAAAAAAH
Damn I was really curious to see how this piece functioned.
I wonder if you blow torched the cut maybe you could smoothen it out a bit and it could still function?I don't know, that's what i'd personally do in that situation whilst waiting for my replacement.
ALSO! Is the perc gridded or is it just multiple slits?
@SnidelyWhiplash would you mind putting water in it and blowing into the joint so we can see how it functions? Seems like a safe way to at least water test it
Ok, I went ahead and mended it with beeswax. Super effective mend.
So far there seem to be some mis-measurments. Like you have to fill too much water to get a recycle. Needs an 18mm extension.. Ill film later after my rehearsal.... sit tight.
Dude I really need to see the function on that fab egg!! Ive been wanting a perc to honeycomb for a while and that thing looks amazing!
Dude I really need to see the function on that fab egg!! Ive been wanting a perc to honeycomb for a while and that thing looks amazing!
I officially think I took one for the team here.
Cloud doesn't fit, even with a clausen its uncomfortable. Taste and pain level are both shitty. D20 is a better buy. YQ-42 way better. Maybe my replacement will not suck balls...
I suddenly wish I gave the 70 to an artist like Colie with another 70 for something to last...
I'm really hoping to see more 18mm female joints as well It seems that almost every new piece has a male joint.