Level 30 Nature/Healer
What a/c for a j-hook would you guys get if you're goal was minimal sound?
Nice comparison, so the one on the right is the AG from BWG, and the one on the left is a jhanpixel?
How do they feel on the percolation tip?
The size makes them feel very different. My Mini King Stemline has 18-slits (9 per side) and the AG upline has 10 slits (gridded to 5 holes each) both are 18mm. Notice the difference in the ground joint thickness. Despite being thin, the AG piece seems very well made, quality-wise it's great and I can't find a bubble even when being picky. Just got the upline but I'd still feel safer with the beast on the right.
agreed, and so far, the infamous remains the smallest of the group, great for pocketing on the go. I do like the size range of these other low cost pieces.I still like my infamous, but WOW have the options changed for cheap glass! I'm impressed!
However, you say your AG tube is only 9" tall?! Wow, mine is 14".
Sorry it's the opposite, the AG is the left piece and Jhanpixel's is on the right. They both stack bubbles nicely, especially with something like Rezblock. The percs are similar, you can tell the mini king on the right is bigger, it's a bit more of a hum (effortless to clear). The AG (12") is definitely the mini-tube and a bit more fizzy of a draw (clearing is effortless but it's so small there isn't much to clear). The Mini King (15") is bigger all around from the mouth-piece to the size of the stemline, the stacking bubbles might be a bit bigger but I can take a hit until my lungs won't go anymore. (sometimes I'll fill it up, exhale and then take my hit so it's not airy) I've just used the AG piece a few times with my Cloud but it's very smooth especially for the size. The mouth-piece is narrow, I thought I wouldn't like it but I don't mind it, it's different.
When I use the Jhan's Mini-king I feel like I'm taking a more traditional bong hit and when I use the AG upline I feel it's more similar to a hydrotube. It's more the volume of the pieces than the percs though; not sure if that helps. I really like them both!
Edit: Now that I think of it the upline reminds me of the Colie Glass recycler. It has a gridded inline, a few less slits but same fizzy draw with the same narrow style mouth-piece and small volume. I kind of wish I had a male nail now, I want to try the upline with wax.
I also found fault on the AG only with size and the thinner joint. Otherwise, like you, I found it to be of excellent construction. The quality of construction, plus the german boro plus gridding makes the damn thing a real bargain at less than a bill.
And it purrrs like a kitten. Very, very smooth.
However, you say your AG tube is only 9" tall?! Wow, mine is 14".
Talk about a variance! lol. That's crazy.
Is yours a 50mm can?
My AG upline is 60mm.
Looks pretty damn good....Quick dab out of the small AliEx stemline.
I got the $25 DHgate bub today, it's pretty nice, has a good weight to it, wide base, nice welds and gives a decent perc. Here's some pics
And they also make it with a female joint. I might take one of them for my friend and his lsv.
If anybody hasn't jumped on this one yet, I highly recommend it. This one is my fav of all the glass I have bought in the last year.
So far both DHgate pieces have been really well made and decent thickness/weight to the glass. The alliex orders have also been fairly well made, just don't look quite as clean as the ones I got from DHgate.
I use as little water as possible with that piece, just barely cover the slits... see how it works for ya. I see you got blue, did you request a color, or was it random?