Well-Known Member
PSA--- Just ordered another one of these since I broke the matrix downstem and wanted some spare parts.
see below response to LesPlenty .....thanks in advance!
I did too, not interchangeable percs, the showerhead was only 4 inches all up, had to fill ashcatcher to well over half to make it function, they sent me a replacement showerhead that is too long to fit either part.
This is the second Roor Knock off I have purchased, the first was great, not the latest though, so I would say
pay a bit extra and get a Stevenimz... or gamble if you like to save 5 to 10 bucks.
What are the lengths of those 2 pieces from the bottom to the top? I want to get an 18/19mm single joint downstem like those. I need to be about 4 inches top to bottom looks like....those are close.
I am looking to put a showerhead or mini matrix in the big ass ones on a yingmin5 mobius center mount knockoff. (yes one inside another).

This is my fav setup....hits so butta! (thanks to the narrow downstem)