All my days in a daze...
I've recently been put onto Temazepam for anxiety. After hearing about how useful it was from @canj00digit? I really want to get this instead.
However, $160 USD plus postage is just way, way more money than the $9.90 AUD I pay for 28 tablets of temazepam. I think the Australian government needs to get this on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme quick smart! A lot of people with serious anxiety are in much worse-off financial positions than I am!
Yeah man, the prices are insane

BTW, this father-in-law is a former law enforcement officer, he was hesitant to try the drops and won't take much of anything. He was prescribed temazepam as a sleep aid but hated it and refused to take it. He now comes to us every night to get his CBD drops. If they convinced him, they work... simple as that.
But yes, they are not an option for most people... it's very sad... my wife and I were talking about this today... the doctors would rather we take xanax (my anxiety), tramadol (synthetic opiod for wife's chronic abdominal pain) and the aforementioned temazepam (Pops' insomnia) rather than this one plant compound which helps us all so much, has ZERO negative side effects and ZERO recreational value.
BTW, same stuff that helps us with our varied maladies has changed the existance of my skitzo cat.
On 2-3 drops a day. I would have NEVER believed what I've seen.
It should cost $9.99 bottle. Hemp should be grown on every spare acre of ariable land.
Australia is the only country in the world that doesn't allow hemp as food... and we actually class all cnnabinoids as POISON. POISON!!!!!! The fucking poison is the xanax I took for years and am now living through the hell of withdrawls as I try to get that shit out of my life. I had been having interdose withdrawls for YEARS and had no idea what it was.
Ugh. Sorry for the rant. Feeling a little whacky and currently a little on edge lolol...
BTW, I got another 2x bottles in today... another $400US

It doesn't seem like there is any problem getting the drops in the country any more.
Maybe that's a sign they might actually move to allowing them to be sold here.

heya herbivore