Cannabis News


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My wife won't smoke strong weed. She likes weak herb.

When i used to grow, she would smoke leaf. Now she smokes my ABV.

I suspect that a great many non-potheads are more like her than they are like us. So there probably is a market for less-strong weed.

Grass Yes

Staff member
Ironically I find it much easier to find low-THC cannabis both in the rec market and mail order hemp.

From the traditional market, I have never had options to pick my potency.

And of course, I remember newspapers warning about how weed was "far more potent" back in the 1990s. And friends have told me about that warning from colleges back in the 1970s. So I am skeptical.


Lesser-Known Lurker
Why do you think this?
I believe there's an upper limit to the amount of total cannabinoids and secondary metabolites a given plant can produce, so by breeding for high THC, you may be producing less of the other "stuff"... It's a trade off.

Since there is an entourage effect from the combination of cannabis compounds, higher THC varieties might be missing out on the total range of potential experiences. Plus, the trade off is often for less flavor. Many people enjoy taste and effects over super high THC percentages, and I think the numbers of those types of users will go up.

I compare it to the craft beer evolution over the last few decades in the US. Brewers started making stronger imperial and double IPAs when there was a demand (>10%), but that has slowed over the years as drinkers settled in on a more balanced and overall more enjoyable IPA (often in the 6 - 7%ish range).

Just my thoughts on it anyways... :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Ironically I find it much easier to find low-THC cannabis both in the rec market and mail order hemp.

Obviously availability depends a lot on where you live. But there is no shortage of high-test where i live.

In a pretty small town an hour and a half from NYC, in NY state, i have two nearby medical dispensaries, and like 3 or 4 rec ones. I only go to the med dispensaries, because rec has taxes, and usually higher prices. No longer in touch with any black-market sources aka annoying hippies*.

Today's selections (changes daily or several times a day even):

Dispensary 1: 4 varieties 30-31.04%; 14 varieties 20-29.99%

Dispensary 2: 51 (!) varieties 20-29.11%; 21 varieties 15.7-19.99%

I only go to the second one normally, staff are nicer, prices are cheaper, and the first one is across a long bridge that i don't like riding the bike over (even though there is a very long very steep hill going to #2). I don't drive automobiles because i am a crazy environmentalist weirdo.
*Of course here are black-market weed sellers who are not annoying hippies- i used to be one myself (i was an annoying punk rocker). But all the weed dealers i know are in fact annoying hippies.
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C No Ego

Well-Known Member
I agree. I think the "arms race" on potency will level out as the market matures. Plus, there are many options when it comes to consumption to avoid high potency products... First get educated on the types and effects if you're concerned. For example, you can pick up 1:1 flower for a much calmer experience and avoid being "forced" to consume higher potency cannabis. I feel the sorts of arguments in the article are red herrings and are either meant to spin or shows a lack of understanding. Using the alcohol example, it's a bit misleading to rally against the potency of grain alcohol and the fact that some college students binge drink and sometimes even die, and then draw parallels to beer and wine. On the flip side, do we believe the majority of alcohol related traffic fatalities are linked to hard alcohol? Or is it more likely beers, etc? Whatever the answer, alcohol shouldn't be more regulated either.

A key point to anyone upset by the industry focus on high THC (I don't personally love it either), there is often the option of home grow... which means you can grow "mids" or whatever you prefer. Just like the right to grow tasty garden tomatoes, home grow rights for cannabis are absolutely paramount to ensure we have real freedom of choice.
raw cannabis pl;ant has no potency at all ... the most illegal form ( Raw living plants) is not Even psychotomimetic !!! the raw plant cannot efect psycho motior functioniong and the dumb asses in charge are banning it still from the peeps

@buford I get THCA flower online ... for example topcola cultivators has some type one THCA flowers right now
C No Ego,


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
raw cannabis pl;ant has no potency at all ... the most illegal form ( Raw living plants) is not Even psychotomimetic !!! the raw plant cannot efect psycho motior functioniong and the dumb asses in charge are banning it still from the peeps

@buford I get THCA flower online ... for example topcola cultivators has some type one THCA flowers right now
I got the melon blossoms from them and it smelled of straight up hay. I wouldnt bash em if it wasnt warranted but i even emailed them to let them know that there was a terrible dry/cure on the buds and they ignored the email. Shame because the buds look amazing but were clearly ruined by not being handled properly.

C No Ego

Well-Known Member
I got the melon blossoms from them and it smelled of straight up hay. I wouldnt bash em if it wasnt warranted but i even emailed them to let them know that there was a terrible dry/cure on the buds and they ignored the email. Shame because the buds look amazing but were clearly ruined by not being handled properly.
Shit ! sorry for that .. was it from my post , you getting that ?? most of what I've gotten there at topcolatn has been sweet sweet good good - smells and all that . one of the cantaloupe drops was muted a few months back . melon blossms was and has been my fav there but that was months ago when I got that one
C No Ego,


Well-Known Member
Shit ! sorry for that .. was it from my post , you getting that ?? most of what I've gotten there at topcolatn has been sweet sweet good good - smells and all that . one of the cantaloupe drops was muted a few months back . melon blossms was and has been my fav there but that was months ago when I got that one
Nah dw i ordered it before you posted so dont sweat it at all. I just emailed them to tell them they should check their stock or just pull it from the website. I didnt ask for any refund or anything. Just doesnt feel right when a company doesnt respond to customer support or try to remedy an issue
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Man I didn't I've been doing science over here. I could've told you that. Up to a point, adding CBD to your THC makes you higher. There is a tipping point though. If you add enough CBD, you just get sleepy instead of "high".


Well-Known Member
Weed GMO's (not the strain) are coming

I gotta ask... is not being able to grow cannabis fast enough a problem that needs solving? It literally grows like... a weed. And there's such a glut in some States it's literally crashing the market.
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