Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer


Vaping since 2010
I have been looking for that too and can't for the life of me find a setting :( its probably obvious.

The shovelhead bowl with the injector is a good combo, you can heat it up it you want to add more conduction.

I borrowed a Mercury, a Mary, a MOAB and I have a 2nd serpent 25mm axil coil.

I keep borrowing these things searching for a wireless setup that will enable me to step away from the misses (as she hates the smell of cannabis) and the way the shovelhead bowl and the Mary/Mercury assemblies connect together, feels secure, in such a way you can walk around and not feel like its going to come apart unexpectedly. The only other wireless combo I have used recently is the Tiodw 23mm and it spins around loosely on the titanium bowls which I don't like.

I like to fiddle with gems, so I changed the Mercury's rubies for 3mm boro and in the Mary, I swapped the rubies for 2.5mm gem cut rubies (from my Screwball). I used machined screens on top, titanium weave on the bottom (3/4 19mm on the Mercury, 5/8 16mm on the Mary). I have been using the Shovelhead bowl and heat soaking the bowl in the serpent coil and the diffuser in the MOAB and aiming for really deep brown roast and those "stoney" effects.

I might be pushing the edge of combustion but I have been playing around with the above at 575f and I get the same roast from both combinations; that is the Mary with gem cuts (equiv 120x3mm) and the Mercury with boro (240x3mm) with my Shovelhead bowl heat soaked to 400f to 450f. The boro has more airflow and more flavour; where as the gem cuts have a slight, but really comfortable airflow resistance that I like really like but both combinations give the same roast.

I have to admit I thought the MOAB looked huge and I thought I was going to really dislike it, but its actually more compact than I expected, the spots on the top to store the gear is actually pretty cool
Checkout LightDims on Amazon, just ordered! An alternative would be Lithographers Tape.


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Has anyone tried the matrix bowl?
yeah, I got it with microdosing insert and titanium insert, it is just like a shovelhead with titanium insert and titanium post (old titanium posts are compatible with matrix bowl). I like the new design, it fixes a lot of the issues the shovelhead had, like when the handle unscrews the whole thing would come apart, because of that I would screw the handle tight but it leaves marks on the posts (no longer an issue with matrix bowl because the post is held by an oring now, not the handle). Also the screen is way easier to manage / replace now, because it is behind held in place by whatever insert you use with the matrix bowl (the insert comes on top of the screen).
Last thing, I like the new screens, they are more spaced out, but I feel like they need way less cleaning than the double weave titanium screen that came with the shovelhead.

all in all it is an upgrade but if you already have the shovelhead, it isn't that different, most of the upgrades are "quality of life" upgrades but the modular design is really nice
Hey hey - I'm looking into my first ball vape, and want to go wireless.

Looking at entry level ZenLeaf setups - could someone explain to me why the Whisper is only $10 less than the Moab, but apparently doesn't come with a PID Controller? So the smaller Whisper ends up being like $100 more than the Moab after getting a PID controller?

I feel like I'm missing something obvious hah


Well-Known Member
Hey hey - I'm looking into my first ball vape, and want to go wireless.

Looking at entry level ZenLeaf setups - could someone explain to me why the Whisper is only $10 less than the Moab, but apparently doesn't come with a PID Controller? So the smaller Whisper ends up being like $100 more than the Moab after getting a PID controller?

I feel like I'm missing something obvious hah
Whisper was part of their first wave of wireless gear. More parts, more complicated manufacturing. Moab came after. They figured out how to make it out of single block and added electronics for nearly same price.

It’s like how their original wireless heads were discontinued in favor of the streamlined, better performing heads they have now.
Whisper was part of their first wave of wireless gear. More parts, more complicated manufacturing. Moab came after. They figured out how to make it out of single block and added electronics for nearly same price.

It’s like how their original wireless heads were discontinued in favor of the streamlined, better performing heads they have now.

Ah ok that explains it, thanks! I was hoping that the Whisper came with a PID, and the text was outdated. I think I'd prefer a setup with the controller and the coil facing forward, I don't think I have enough left-to-right space on my desk area.

I'm not quite ready to pull the trigger, but knowing that info, the Zion might be a better option for me, unless they come out with some new options in the next few months
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