Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer


hotboxing the cockpit
I really like my straight fab for flower. The can is big but fills with vapor easily due to the fab section. It also clears really easily and uses very little water.

This one? I have the smaller one with the same perc and no fab... super small but the perc is pretty nice. This one is 2inches bigger I think? Maybe I'll go for it?

Also looking at this bc I have a coupon and it's on sale...


Well-Known Member
No cats here!!
My dogs would make a meal of them!
Also don't understand cats on counters, especially in the kitchen.

My dogs love my SH!!
They will come and sit next to me and whine until I blow a bit of vapor around them. They sit for a bit and then go and lie down or bug the hell out of me to play with them!

Mine does the same thing. Won't leave me alone until she gets some vapor in her direction. I used to think she was upset my back was to her. NOPE, she just wants that sweet sweet FP vapor :spliff:


Well-Known Member

This one? I have the smaller one with the same perc and no fab... super small but the perc is pretty nice. This one is 2inches bigger I think? Maybe I'll go for it?

Also looking at this bc I have a coupon and it's on sale...
I have a 9” straight fab from Hemping. Similar to what you linked to but with a bigger fab section. It gets dirty fast though.

I really like this from TAG

Edit: here’s a link to the Hemping one I have;searl|2435475981
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they say im crazy but i have a good time my showerhead has become my exclusive vape for flowers... basically has been since day one... i have yet to dab off my showerhead, i wanted to keep her clean and pretty :D

...i have to admit i've only used my fp/wa once or twice since getting the SH... i prefer to dab off other devices which i have a few... yes i'm missing double deckers, i also much prefer to do them separately these days... much as i try to force myself to use my "other vapes" it's too easy to just use the SH. turned my evo on lastnight, used my SH instead. Any other vape i go to use i default back to SH because of ease of use and it's fun to use as well... i even kept my sh powered off to force myself to use something else... fuck that! i waited the 5 min to use the SH instead :disgust:


Well-Known Member my showerhead has become my exclusive vape for flowers... basically has been since day one... i have yet to dab off my showerhead, i wanted to keep her clean and pretty :D

...i have to admit i've only used my fp/wa once or twice since getting the SH... i prefer to dab off other devices which i have a few... yes i'm missing double deckers, i also much prefer to do them separately these days... much as i try to force myself to use my "other vapes" it's too easy to just use the SH. turned my evo on lastnight, used my SH instead. Any other vape i go to use i default back to SH because of ease of use and it's fun to use as well... i even kept my sh powered off to force myself to use something else... fuck that! i waited the 5 min to use the SH instead :disgust:
I feel the same way about the dnail wraparound with SiC dish. I force myself to hit my other vapes including the showerhead but I always end up hitting the wraparound at the end. I have found I just prefer the wraparound to anything else.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have their controller hookedup to a wifi-controlled power outlet?

They do heat up pretty quickly...but I've been wanting to get hooked up to a wifi-controlled power outlet so at my last stoplight before I get home, I can get the FP ready to rock. Anyone doing this? Also, helps that...'did I leave the oven on?' moment.

I have mine connected to an iHome (which is not Apple) branded outlet, and since I don’t currently have Siri/Google/Alexa set up at home I’m using an app called Wink to try to make sure it goes off when I leave.

For testing purposes I’ve been turning it off manually and then checking to see if the app killed the outlet...results have been mixed.

It’s definitely possible for it to work since it has worked for me, but more often than not I get a notification on my phone that Wink turned it off only to come home and find the outlet still on...

I’m not sure where the problem is, but especially if you’re using Wink I would do some testing before trusting it to automatically turn your FP off.

It does at least work fine when I’m home though and I just say “Hey Siri, turn on vaporizer.” Using one of the home controlling devices from Apple, Amazon or Google instead of Wink, I’d expect consistent performance but still test it to be sure.


Well-Known Member
I've been switching back and forth between the Liger and the FP as I only have one 20mm coil atm. Every time I have to put the SH together it brings a smile to my face. If I take care of these 3 pieces of metal, they will medicate me for life. This really is the gift that keeps on giving. :D


Company Rep
Company Rep
Hanging out in twaxtown, twisted sister maybe? double decker with sage n sour rosin dab and 0.15gr sage n sour flower, WA, did the hover method for wall to wall coverage like the local news room. Then, for the icing on the cake a dab of skunk XXX rosin.

Do as @Vitolo, FP to the max!


Almost there...
Except for efficiency? Since the SV4 HALVED your consumption yesterday? :brow:

New vape signature as well but yes it has cut down my use a lot.
I am sure the SH will do that again once I give it a break!
I find if I use a vape for too long without switching, the effects slowly dwindle until I am almost impervious to the effects and use way too much for none to little effect.

I also think the SH is better overall due to excellent CS and continual upgrades and ease of use!


Well-Known Member
I just cracked my sapphire halo. Shit. At least it's not my primary dab surface. I should have switched to quartz for safety. It's only cracked on one side for now, so I guess it'll dab in a pinch.


Ohhh the beakers be bubblin'.
So are your mischievous posts!
@NewVape420 ... while not a water fan, I kn ow the value of water filtration to a majority of FC members.
Glad you are aboard with hints and teases to proliferate interest and fanaticism for the FlowerPot.
I have settled in on a dry tube for my FlowerPotting.......
however I will admit that the Mobius Bubbler that came with the starter kit is the 1st Bubbler I have used comfortably.
I still prefer vapor hot and without filtration, but GOOD JOB on selecting an appropriate bubbler.
I look forward to seeing what is up....
I know "something wicked this way comes"!


Company Rep
Company Rep
I just cracked my sapphire halo. Shit. At least it's not my primary dab surface. I should have switched to quartz for safety. It's only cracked on one side for now, so I guess it'll dab in a pinch.

Welcome to the club, I am sorry that you had to go through that :uhoh: Mine is also cracked on one side, for quite a while now and I have even heated it back up to 900F for cleaning. So far the crack has not grown and luckily I am still able to savor her flavors. Time to start looking at the SiC halo, so durable.


Been trying to figure out why dabbing off the Showerhead feels so harsh. Just had a realization. I don't think it's because it's titanium, I think it's because you end up inhaling a lot of hot convective air during the dab. I believe with the SH design, the convection air temperature is always hotter than the dish temperature? So even if you try to do a low temp dab, it gets channeled through hotter air than the dab surface; so the hotter you run the dish, the further it faces degradation while the vapor passes through the heat exchanger. Thoughts?


Staff member
Been trying to figure out why dabbing off the Showerhead feels so harsh. Just had a realization. I don't think it's because it's titanium, I think it's because you end up inhaling a lot of hot convective air during the dab. I believe with the SH design, the convection air temperature is always hotter than the dish temperature? So even if you try to do a low temp dab, it gets channeled through hotter air than the dab surface; so the hotter you run the dish, the further it faces degradation while the vapor passes through the heat exchanger. Thoughts?
According to my temp testing, the dish is hotter than the convective air by a good bit.

This test was run at 680°F iirc:

Sorry for the F°/C° ClusterFuck, FC. :disgust:



According to my temp testing, the dish is hotter than the convective air by a good bit.

This test was run at 680°F iirc:

Sorry for the F°/C° ClusterFuck, FC. :disgust:


That's interesting, where was the thermocouple probe located at for the plot in the second graph? I could be off on that part of my theory, but I still think the design contributes a lot of hot air during the dab compared to other nail designs. I'm curious what effects may be happening to the vapor as it travels through the heat exchanger bouncing off the Ti sidewalls, compared to a flower hit where only the air travels through the heat exchanger.
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That's interesting, where was the thermocouple probe located at for the plot in the second graph? I could be off on that part of my theory, but I still think the design contributes a lot of hot air during the dab compared to other nail designs. I'm curious what effects may be happening to the vapor as it travels through the heat exchanger bouncing off the Ti sidewalls, compared to a flower hit where only the air travels through the heat exchanger.
Have you tried to compare it to a straight convection dab in the SH? If only there was an item similar to a stainless concentrate pad that created a great surface area combined with good airflow...and not made of stainless. The ceramic discs that 7th Floor sells have the surface area but are total crap for airflow. Flower itself is a great solution, but that adds another layer of flavor that makes a pure convection dab ...not so pure. Are there any Ti compressed wire concentrate pads out there? NewVape I'm lookin at YOU to fill this void!

A glass frit disc that fit the bowls' width perfectly would be great too.
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