Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer


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Well done guys it is a priviledge to be among such intelligent and knowledgable men who are wise and resolute enough to recognize the value of health and actively safeguard it.:nod:

I have never bothered with curcumin extracts myself. I am a firm believer in whole plant medicine, and I have always felt that the whole curcumin craze is a bit overhyped, vs good old whole organic turmeric powder.

Im not saying curcumin isnt amazing stuff, but I feel you can get just as much benefit from taking larger doses of turmeric, like 1.5 to 2 heaped teaspoons a day. Although curcumin has been spotlighted as the magical ingredient, Im sure there are a ton of other medicinal compounds in the powder which contribute to the infamous synergy effect.

By all means take curcumin, but I think it would be better to take good quality whole turmeric (ideally organic, we also get the "double strength", for £14.80 per kg- it is actually stronger than the regular organic at £10 per kg- so pretty cheap really for the gold standard), and then consider adding a curcumin supplement on top if wished.

I just feel that sometimes with supplements everybody jumps on the bandwagon, as with curcumin, and things get a little hyped out of perspective.
@lazylathe dead correct as always- black pepper enormously improves curcumin absorption.

Thanks to the wisdom of @C No Ego , I have also learnt about cannabimimetic compounds which we require to modulate/regulate etc our ECS. The basic idea I have grasped is that supplementing our bodies with these compounds (and essential omega fatty acids), supports our ECS and that when we are deficient in these substances, our ability to experience the cannabis high can be negatively effected.

I do definitely find that increasing my black pepper intake gives me a noticebaly stronger effect from cannabis, I always take pepper with my edibles now too. My mum also noticed a difference.

Apparently, the piperine in the black pepper slows down the degredation of cannabinoids inside the receptors. Warning- can work the other way "Man I'm still so high from last night.":uhh:

Great to see such a refreshingly open and proactive attitude towards healthy living among such an awsome bunch of vaporists.

Have a good Saturday everyone, respect to all! :tup:


Well-Known Member
So after searching every website and fretting over which coil to go with my existing china controller that i bought used, ( dont know which exact pin config works) i went ahead and order the auberins rdk 200 and coil. Later that day im talking to my main man @stickstones and hes like you need one like this( amd holds up the exact one i need). I should have known that the man is a true vape legend and a great dude at that..thanks what ro do with the auber and coil? Hmm i will have the 20 mm sh and then rhe og 16mm..i really need a new bowl like the panhead because my of og wticks like crazy after one bowl. And after that the wa and ill have all i ever need..anyone have any spare parts they wanna part?? Lol...jk...but not...hahaha


Well-Known Member
It is a 20mm coil from china i believe but is exacrly like the aiicioo one i boughr feom ebay but the one i already own was 16mm.
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So I was looking for the right coil for showerhead, but realized one of my ill-fitting 20mm coil did a good job . Wondering if it is because of the coil cover dispersing heat more evenly?

But I do understand that a better fitting coil will probably allow you to use lower temps, but I don't mind cranking up my enail a little higher.


Almost there...
Look at what you did @lazylathe ! Sorry @Quetzalcoatl this thread has become too epic I'm afraid =/

HEY!!! It was actually @Alexis but that is off topic!:o

Back to our regularly scheduled program(me)...

Running the ShowerHead through my RooR dry today and it is tasting amazing and hits so good for a Saturday! I have some Quad Black Diamond Kush that is super gassy and pungent!
Two micro loads in and i am already building up some reclaim on the sides of the glass.

Think i will continue dry for a while and then try what @steama recommended a while ago!
Run some ISO in the tube and clean all the reclaim off and evap the ISO for some nice, free oil!
Then it is Double Decker time again!!

It's unfortunate the the SH is so good. I gaze longingly at the other 10 high end vapes as my finger automatically turns the SH on every time, without fail!
I really need to stop buying vapes as i compare everything to my SH and only a few can kind of stand with it!
Maybe if i sell of a lot i can buy more New Vape stuff! LOL!


Well-Known Member
Well fellas my FP arrived about a hour ago...the postman scared the fuck out of me when he knocked on my door..i was in the middle of a elev8r session...crackhead moment. unboxed her got mad for a hot second. He sent the wrong glass...i was mad for a hot second. he sent me a steam roller perc....i was like fuck it, i am still gonna fire this mofo up and i will address the glass issue monday. watched his video. pieced everything together and fired up the enail. I had to rig a stand for the enail as i went barebones and did not get the fancy dish that holds eveything...gave that 50$ to the medicine man if you know what i mean. i got the enail laying across a works for now!!

filled the bowl slightly and went for a very slow draw. the glass got very milky and then i inhaled it all in...the taste is amazing...i mean wow!! then i exhaled and fell on the floor gagging..could not believe that much vapor came out of me. i am stoned off one session. laaaaawwwwwwwwwd!!!!

i need to get me a nice holder to hold the you guys use anything or did you just get the holders from him?? i like his stuff but my wallet aint feeling it right now.


Flavor Chaser/Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦✊
Hi friends, new FP SH owner here. Sorry for the noob question but I'm only halfway searching through the 355 pages and have a question: is Ti (SH) an inferior surface to dab on, and why? Is it a clean/purity issue or flavor profile? Or both? Loving the SH for flowers so far but wondering if dabs/double deckers on it are somehow considered lesser.


Company Rep
Company Rep
Hi friends, new FP SH owner here. Sorry for the noob question but I'm only halfway searching through the 355 pages and have a question: is Ti (SH) an inferior surface to dab on, and why? Is it a clean/purity issue or flavor profile? Or both? Loving the SH for flowers so far but wondering if dabs/double deckers on it are somehow considered lesser.

I have heard that Ti is not flavor neutral like quartz, for example, so there can be somewhat of a metallic taste to the dab IME. If you are wanting the best experience with double deckers, the WA head with a sapphire halo is it, until we start getting inserts for the SH.


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I scrape it out of the glass with a chopstick or dabbing tool... thats real solventless reclaim...

That is impossible for me to do with my style of WT...
If i want solvent-less i will go press some rosin and get ripped with the ShowerHead!


Finally, seems like it took forever to arrive!
So glad you are happy with it and it does it's intended job well!
The good thing is, I find i get ripped every time i use it, no matter what hit number of the day it is!
It's an awesome all rounder knock out vape!

This is the stand that i use:


Ti is not an inferior surface to dab from but as with everything there has to be evolution!
It started with Ti and it is still in use today and works really well.
I dab off my Ti SH with no discernible taste difference.
The beauty of the more modern surfaces is that you can go lower in temp for even better flavor!
I like Quartz but have not tried Sic, which can go lower.


Vapin' stevens
Hi friends, new FP SH owner here. Sorry for the noob question but I'm only halfway searching through the 355 pages and have a question: is Ti (SH) an inferior surface to dab on, and why? Is it a clean/purity issue or flavor profile? Or both? Loving the SH for flowers so far but wondering if dabs/double deckers on it are somehow considered lesser.
You wont be dissapointed with double deckers on the SH and i would imagine if you had only ever dabbed off of titanium and didnt know how good the other dishes tasted then you would probably have no i was told though,if you intend on using flower mostly then get the still going to end up getting the WA though and a back up/second controller.and i dont even need the WA,I could totally do without it because i have a quartz ebanger there,probably not the same it provides a definite step up in flavour when not wanting to use the SH for double deckers.


Vapin' stevens
Liar!!! I've dabbed off your quartz FP! Huge taste difference! :rofl:

@Larrytargeteye something tells me once you try the SiC WA you won't want to bother with your quartz banger anymore! :tup:
I cant believe youve just said that :wave:
Are they that good????the full WA set is decent price on vapefiends website.ive been off work with the snow so once a wage comes back in its getting not digging into anymore savings for now....:brow:


Almost there...
Liar!!! I've dabbed off your quartz FP! Huge taste difference! :rofl:

@Larrytargeteye something tells me once you try the SiC WA you won't want to bother with your quartz banger anymore! :tup:

LOL!!! I never do just dabs on the SH, it is usually flowers and dabs at the same time.
It's so strong, you cannot taste any difference.
If i do just concentrate, i can taste a difference but i also run the quartz at a much lower temp.

For such an occasional dabber, Ti is good enough for me!


Vapin' stevens
Keep in mind the coil will eventually fail, whereas he failure of a PID is not imminent. Respect! -YaMon
Yeah i should of said that but will pick a coil up with my new controller.i tries to skimp and bought from dhgate and got stung by customs.thanks to vapecode for sending my package with the invoice in full view!!!
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