Morning- wow, my mum is really getting into her Flowerpot. She has seen the light! Get this, now she is already wanting to get a different bubbler! I'm sending her Dhgate links!!
I can't believe she is now shopping for new bongs!

So I'm trying to recall what I have seen that she may like. I stopped looking at glass while I focus on settling on a vape. She has been using the small black 14 mm male Toro bubbler in Vapecritic's video.
I think she wants more water, or at least a larger can to make it smoother. But she would be happier if it isn't too heavy to hold. I looked at the 9 inch CCG seed of life, which
@invertedisdead champions so well!|null:01:r2043621775
I dont know if this would satisfy her needs to be a lot smoother than the Toro, but easy to hold. It looks like it from your videos inverted. She won't be going to "Crushville" I don't think haha!
Or I sent her these links too:|null:01:r1974603635|null:01:r2094536934
Or the Steroe Matrix, FC-187 V2, in Vapefiend's video?
But then, I just found this mini FC-186, looks like it may be perfect! Much easier to get going and to clear, surely smooth as you would get from a can this size (FC 186 is pretty smooth to me but a bit hard work at 34 cm, with some pullback, and blowback can be an issue:|null:01:r1515667706
The angle of this moutpiece looks really good for her also. No head tilting. I think I want one!
So just open to any words of wisdom from anyone with a perfect idea. I also thought about the FC-Rattle Can.
We should get 18 mm really. The 14/18 mm Female bowl was still prone to sticking on the 14 male Toro bubbler. Needed to be placed on mindfully to keep some "wiggle" in the fit.
I have the 14mm Male stubby bowl, could use reducer for 18 mm peices. 14 mm tools won't allow this. I CAN see an adjustabowl purchase coming?

I must check see if Vapefiend stock it yet.
The 18 mm male bowl I have, direct into glass would drive her mad-it did me!
So I should maybe get F-M adapter for the 14/18 mm Female bowl for 18 mm Male glass.
I just remembered that!

Okay sorry folks, I must go back to bed, am very Elev8ted! Big thanks guys.