Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
I bought my FlowerPot when I was primarily dabbing so I got the wrap around SiC dish. The dabbing experience is awesome but this thing has made me fall back in love with vaping bud. Flower hits are so satisfying anymore. The taste is just so clean compared to any other vape I have tried and the vapor production is amazing. I don't really see a need for the showerhead even though I am primarily vaping flower now...this works perfect as it is IMO.

Depends on what youre trying to do. If youre mainly interested in flower, get the SH. I have the wraparound and the SH and have mainly been using the SH for a couple of months. I switched back to the wrap around and it doesnt do as good a job with flower. Dont get me wrong, its still awesome but its no SH level.


Well-Known Member
Yep, the NV handles are pretty nice. Just got some round leather ribbons I want to use instead the waxy hemp. The hemp has a nice rough style but I haptically don't like the waxy feeling so much.

great idea... I'm with you on the wax feel. That said....after many sessions with my new flower pot......

"all us belong bases are you" wait.... what day is this?


i have a feeling i will migrate back to using mainly flower when i get this. but i wont stop dabbing, and the thought of dabbing on titanium vs SiC is gross.

any opinions?

I was dabbing 100% and went for the Showerhead based on others experiences and dabbing probably 10% now. I have plenty of other devices for concentrates so it wasn't a huge risk for me. Fire hash still tastes good on titanium if your temps are right. I'm thinking of buying the SiC wraparound just to see the difference in flower performance; it's only $50 in parts since I already have the SH.

I definitely find myself craving a flower hit from the Showerhead after a day of dabbing at my buddies.
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Well-Known Member
I was dabbing 100% and went for the Showerhead based on others experiences and dabbing probably 10% now. I have plenty of other devices for concentrates so it's whatever to me. Fire hash still tastes bomb on titanium I can say that.

I definitely find myself craving a flower hit from the Showerhead after a day of dabbing at my buddies.

I havent found the SH to have a bad taste. Its not as good as the Dnail SIC but its not off putting or anything.


Well-Known Member
i am torn right now. i currently use a classic silver surfer for flower. it was my original vape to get me to quit combusting like 4 years ago, and i am attached to it for that, but lately its been kinda rough on my throat. i was thinking of running it through water but that just seems like too much to mess with. so now i just mainly dab concentrates, but i do miss flower. and im tired of butane torches and quartz bangers cooling down too quick, leaving material behind, so i was thinking of getting an enail for concentrates anyways.

the flower pot seems like the ideal solution to all my problems! at this point i just cant decide on showerhead or wrap around. i dont want both. having 2 seperate wands, or waiting for one to cool down to switch to the other, is not what i want. i would like a dedicated piece for using concentrates and flower equally, thats why im getting this thing. right now im doing a lot of concentrates, but from everyones experience, and my previous love of flower, i have a feeling i will migrate back to using mainly flower when i get this. but i wont stop dabbing, and the thought of dabbing on titanium vs SiC is gross.

is the showerhead that much better for flower than the wrap around? the added air passages on the showerhead, from viewing online, seems far superior for flower, and the smaller amount on the wrap around head would seem to cause a very hot spot in the center. but maybe its not that drastic of a difference, and just stirring will solve any issues there, and then i get the best of both worlds?

any opinions?
Sounds like you want the best of both of worlds & don’t prefer the ti. I highly reccomend throwing in a few extra $ & grabbing the wrap around that will fit the dnail halos and than grabbing a dnail Sic halo for it. I have all 3 Shower Head , wrap around and wrap around that fits the dnail halo and they happen to all work well and I think any choice may blow your mind a little compared to the surfer wich I had long ago. The ssv was a real nice machine when it 1st Hit . The fp is on another level and just for my uses wich is 75% flower use 25% Concentrate I tend to use my dnail Sic wrap around flower pot the most for the fact when I do use Concentrate I love the taste it provides. It works so well with flower also that it’s the one I always keep out for use as well . Best of luck


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you want the best of both of worlds & don’t prefer the ti. I highly reccomend throwing in a few extra $ & grabbing the wrap around that will fit the dnail halos and than grabbing a dnail Sic halo for it. I have all 3 Shower Head , wrap around and wrap around that fits the dnail halo and they happen to all work well and I think any choice may blow your mind a little compared to the surfer wich I had long ago. The ssv was a real nice machine when it 1st Hit . The fp is on another level and just for my uses wich is 75% flower use 25% Concentrate I tend to use my dnail Sic wrap around flower pot the most for the fact when I do use Concentrate I love the taste it provides. It works so well with flower also that it’s the one I always keep out for use as well . Best of luck
thanks for the detailed response, really appreciate it. at this point im definitely gonna get a wrap around head with a sic dish, i may upgrade to the showerhead at some point but im confident this will be a good start.

so you think the d-nail sic is worth the extra $80 or so over newvapes version of sic? is it more than just the extra dish size that makes it better?


Vaping since 2010
NV FP Ordered! Pain is a great motivator when seeking out more goodness. Now if Sessions would just fucking go away! The Schedule I bullshit has got to end.

Have a great 2018 all my fellow FC'ers, you guys all contribute to a truly amazing community. Respect! YaMon


chillin on the couch, sippin off a 22 ounce.
I can't wait to experience a flower hit like this. What I've been searching for, for years. The equivalent of a good old fashioned bong toke sans flame and combustion.

Vaping's equivalent to the Holy Grail - near resistance free vaping with the showerhead. Exciting times to be alive if you're a vape feind.

Sums up my experience with the FP to a "t"!


Well-Known Member after a few days worth of testing.....I can finally remember how I feel.


This thing is a blast. Fun to experiment at diff temps with various strains and see the effects. One thing I find I need now is a water unit with more restriction to balance the no draw resistance of the shower head setup. I did try a glass bowl but it had too small of a hole in the bowl it made the load cook too much down the center and I hand to stir it too much. But the restriction worked well.

Waiting on a couple glass bowls to see if I can get better results. Taste is highly important to me. Should I just start at 580 and work up to 625 for best flavors? I like to do 1 hits or smaller amounts, which makes me want a much smaller load area than the shower head bowl. I would like to reduce the diameter by 30-40% or so. Some of the possible glass bowls look to be about that size.

One question for those with the stock NV controller. What is the SET function deal with the 4 digit setting? Is that a timer shut off? Instructions were not very detailed.


Well-Known Member
I feel like the FP is tasty you just have to make sure your screens and bowls are kept clean. Im gonna have to get a couple more bowls one for flower and one for dabs.


Well-Known Member
One question for those with the stock NV controller. What is the SET function deal with the 4 digit setting? Is that a timer shut off? Instructions were not very detailed.

I haven't been able to figure it out either. I messed with it but it didn't seem to do anything observable.
I may have been in a different dimension though.

Doktor Dub

Well-Known Member
Hi dear "Flowerpotters", after Holidays without FC i would like to wish all of you a great Year 2018 although it is a bit late for that.

Thank you all for your thoughts, input and tips regarding the Flowerpot, you made my VAS for this Vape just too bad - so i can happily announce that now i am a proud Showerhead owner :D

Until now i just had the chance to test it out one time, so i just have a very first impression.

I went for the starter kit, including the older showercap. What i can already say is that this thing is well made and landed perfectly clean - i cleaned it prior to useing but i am sure this was not needed.
My first and only bowl extracted quite good and showed effects but i didn t get massive clouds and it felt a bit airy for my liking so i will have to play around with temp, bowlsize etc.

I will report how the journey continues, right now i am happy and excited to be finaly a member of the Flowerpot-club :tup:

Have a great day!


Well-Known Member
Is the only cap that works for the “ShowerHead” the “showercap” or are other caps (dnail or others) useable to cause reduced pressure while keeping some flow?


Well-Known Member
Is the only cap that works for the “ShowerHead” the “showercap” or are other caps (dnail or others) useable to cause reduced pressure while keeping some flow?

I was just looking on the NV site for parts...seems they did not design the new showerhead setup for a 16mm size, I would like to see that.

Is there any way to get the nut from coming loose so much? Seems I have to tighten it every time I use it.
I was just looking on the NV site for parts...seems they did not design the new showerhead setup for a 16mm size, I would like to see that.

Is there any way to get the nut from coming loose so much? Seems I have to tighten it every time I use it.

I think they had a 16mm showerhead setup for awhile but discontinued it. If you look at older videos, like Vape Critic for instance, he is using a smaller showerhead.

As far as the nut coming loose, I'm all ears for a solution. I have to tighten mine every-time also. I guess that could be a good thing seeing as it won't ever get stuck!
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Try putting a cloth over the nut to avoid marring and use a pair of pliers to tighten the nut? I've never heard of or experienced such a thing though I do hand tighten as hard as possible. That's the original titanium flowerpot the Showerhead was a FuckCombustion member design collaboration.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the detailed response, really appreciate it. at this point im definitely gonna get a wrap around head with a sic dish, i may upgrade to the showerhead at some point but im confident this will be a good start.

so you think the d-nail sic is worth the extra $80 or so over newvapes version of sic? is it more than just the extra dish size that makes it better?
Yw , i feel the Dnail Sic is worth it not only for the bit bigger size but the quality of the dish , it is smoother and polished , allot easier to clean as well and having both side by side the difference is noticeable. I am probably 200 dabs or more in with it and it still looks brand new. I do hit it with a qtip every hit and after a few sessions while warm dip a qtip in iso for a quick clean.


Well-Known Member
I haven't been able to figure it out either. I messed with it but it didn't seem to do anything observable.
I may have been in a different dimension though.

After 3 days now.....I'm still in another dimension.....haaaa

NV sent this response back after my email question about the Set function and the loose nut issue.
(i think the manual will need some technical translation for me to understand it all.....)

The set button is required for entering into the programming mode of the controller.
here's the manual.

I suggest adding a very small dab of reclaim on the threads. The heat up and cool down of the coil is like a spring and seems to work the nut loose.


Well-Known Member
I initially over-tightened my nut and it was a bish to loosen. Hand tight and if you dab, the oils will tighten it down for ya!


Well-Known Member
I tried ordering from the site and the shopping cart is not working. :(

I emailed new vape, no reply yet.
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