Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer


Almost there...

New discovery bro!
Bring out that VapoCane adapter glass piece and load up some of your fine herb.
Set your Showerhead on top and slow your inhale a bit...
Pure, 100% convection hits with only the small stainless screen!
Taste and effects are awesome!!

And SUPER HUGE convection dab hits!
Holy clouds!!
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Well-Known Member
Does everyone use their FP daily or is it too cumbersome? Is an EVO/powerful-log-style more practical for everyday use? Thoughts?

I am considering this or a EVO. Help me with my decision please :D
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Stoned Roses
I used my evo daily for 2+years, now I use my flowerpot daily
The evo is a great vape and requires less technique to use.
The flowerpot has literally no restriction to the airflow so can require some control of the inhale imho.

I can hand my non vaping friends an evo and they get the same clouds I do.

If I give them a flowerpot without any instructions initially they pull too hard, overwhelming the heater and getting crap clouds and extraction.
The answer is to get them to slow down their inhale or whack the temps up to try to compensate
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Well-Known Member
Does everyone use their FP daily or is it too cumbersome? Is a EVO/powerful-log-style more practical for everyday use? Thoughts?

I am considering this or a EVO. Help me with my decision please :D
For me, if you plan on using a water piece with the log, then I wouldn't say the FP is anymore cumbersome. That's the only *advantage* I'd give to a log vape (the ability to use natively without a water tool).

Now, aside from that, I use my FP daily and have no issues. I haven't tried an EVO although I prefer how small of a footprint the FP is although the tradeoff is a bulky piece of plastic vs titanium metal with wires.

One of the things I love most regarding the FP though is the ease of use, dumping/loading, cleaning, etc. The FP's wide open bowls, large screen, open air paths...makes alot of the daily annoyances with smaller vapes be completely non-existent.


Well-Known Member
Cumbersome? I flip the switch and it gives me rips all day. By far the easiest vaporizer I have ever used.
Agree this has been the easiest vape to use for me , just a quick flip of the switch and it’s on and can stay on all day if need be with no worries , pack bowl , vape and dump to reload , super simple , it doesn’t get easier than this . I contribute that to one of the reasons I like it so much .


Well-Known Member
Did you get both WrapAround and Showerhead? There's more than one setup at your party! Dass my kinda party.
Yup, I picked up the D-nail wraparound and a Showerhead.
The Showerhead is amazing but I'm low on concentrate so I only had a chance to test out the wraparound a little last night.
What temp are you guys using with the D-nail to avoid pooling?


Well-Known Member
Does everyone use their FP daily or is it too cumbersome? Is a EVO/powerful-log-style more practical for everyday use? Thoughts?

I am considering this or a EVO. Help me with my decision please :D

I don't find it cumbersome but it does seem to need it's own dedicated area, not much different from any of my other "desk top" vapes.

I completely cleared out my "vape shelf" in my garage last night and reorganized it to suit my FlowerPots.

Keeping it hidden in plain sight:

Ready for use:


Well-Known Member
For me, if you plan on using a water piece with the log, then I wouldn't say the FP is anymore cumbersome. That's the only *advantage* I'd give to a log vape (the ability to use natively without a water tool).

Now, aside from that, I use my FP daily and have no issues. I haven't tried an EVO although I prefer how small of a footprint the FP is although the tradeoff is a bulky piece of plastic vs titanium metal with wires.

One of the things I love most regarding the FP though is the ease of use, dumping/loading, cleaning, etc. The FP's wide open bowls, large screen, open air paths...makes alot of the daily annoyances with smaller vapes be completely non-existent.

Thanks for your insight Sqauare4Life !

You bring up 2 important points of use for me. One, the issue or lack there of with using the hot ass wired wand not being a big foot print. Though pending on environment and setup/desk/station....ease of use should also include safety or other issues of use time. That was my biggest worry of having accidents which involve the wand after consuming for what ever period of time. I plan on making a solid "oops proof" holding tray/area for the wand base to sit on/in at my desk. So yea I can see how not having the vaporizer sitting on the desk top with a water unit and other things in the way makes for smaller foot print in this regard.

The other super important aspect for me is the ease of use and cleaning. I totally love my Arizer Air's and being that they are also super easy to use and clean up, is a big huge bonus. I used the Ghost MV1 since the initial release and was happy with performance. But it came at a large cost of cleaning and messing around with the thing too much. It has awesome extraction and good tastes ....(for about 2 draws for me...then the silicone taste hits and it's only about the med extraction at that point for me). It was a hard decision, but I ended up returning it for various reasons and now left with a huge void. The NV FP will hopefully be here in a couple days and fill that void with something much much better, and also have a longer life span too!

The more I read and hear from all you current users......I get more excited to see everything seems to keep checking off my box's so to speak. I just hope I can overcome any possible harshness/strength in vapor to tailor it to my exact needs/satisfactions. I will be happy to micro-d or get perfect one hits with this baby. I'm so tired of long duration draws/amount of draws and loss of taste through the vaping process.
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Just a dude
Does everyone use their FP daily or is it too cumbersome? Is an EVO/powerful-log-style more practical for everyday use? Thoughts?

I am considering this or a EVO. Help me with my decision please :D
I have a great log and I dream about the FP+SH. The EVO is nice, I've only used it once. I think many members here had 1 or more EVOs before the FP came into their lives. We're not meant to do direct comparisons in threads I think, so I'm trying to be discreet. I hear what you're saying, a log/EVO maybe don't need a dedicated space to use. But I think any vaporizer in this class will require/deserve a nice station set-up. While typing this, I thought of one very clever member that defied my previous sentence quite well; here's a pic of @Alexis tea-tray solution >

If you've got the cash in hand for either option, my whole-hearted vote is for FP all day-long. Its footprint is actually not big at all, but as others say it requires a water piece. Don't most EVO peeps use hydratubes? So for me, even that part of the equation is a push. At the end of the day, only you need to be happy.


Well-Known Member
Is an EVO/powerful-log-style more practical for everyday use? Thoughts?

This would be a VERY individual determination and you are asking it to a group that is the hotbed of FP love.

This is my answer only....and since its my personal opinion I don't think its subject to dispute so I won't argue it. Also note, I use a FP SH for flower only. I do not dab on it or through my EVO.

Yes, I find the EVO to be easier to set up/break down, etc and find myself reaching for it more often than my FP. I do love my Flower Pot, but often don't feel like setting the whole thing up.

Much of this depends on if you can set a rig up and leave it....I cannot, so its set out and break down each time. Your situation and experience may be different.

I get near FP performance from my EVO.

But nothing I have experienced can extract quickly to the extent of the FP. It is like hitting a bong.


Well-Known Member
This would be a VERY individual determination and you are asking it to a group that is the hotbed of FP love.

This is my answer only....and since its my personal opinion I don't think its subject to dispute so I won't argue it. Also note, I use a FP SH for flower only. I do not dab on it or through my EVO.

Yes, I find the EVO to be easier to set up/break down, etc and find myself reaching for it more often than my FP. I do love my Flower Pot, but often don't feel like setting the whole thing up.

Much of this depends on if you can set a rig up and leave it....I cannot, so its set out and break down each time. Your situation and experience may be different.

I get near FP performance from my EVO.

But nothing I have experienced can extract quickly to the extent of the FP. It is like hitting a bong.

Haha nah I totally get it. The cool down time on the FP, if a dedicated station is not available, sucks. That was probably my first annoyance. I was completely unfamiliar with enails and coils so this caught me off guard 100%.

That being said, I did get very comfortable turning everything off, flipping the PID controller upside-down so the rubber feet pointed up and then set the base, with all FP accessories inside of the base, on top of the rubber feet. This allowed me to easily carry it all in one hand, even while hot, and the rubber feet kept it secure and 'safe' (I doubt safe is the right word to use haha but it definitely made things easier to hold and manage since it wouldn't slide around on top of the PID).
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Just a dude
... a group that is the hotbed of FP love.

Cue porn soundtrack: Bom-chicka-bow-bowm So very SEXY!!! :razz:

I really want to give props to @Baron23 who is so good at objectively breaking something down and giving both sides of either/or questions equal consideration and he'll give his honest perspective/answer. And he's really brave to do so here, lol! He's 100% correct BTW, you were only ever going to get one answer! :D


Well-Known Member
What temp are you guys using with the D-nail to avoid pooling?

I think your magic number will be in the mid-600s. Experiment with temps, it's part of the process. I'm at 666 and I ride that for both flower and dab out of my regular sized wrap around SiC top. I've tried lower and higher, and after a couple months have settled with the number of the beast.

Were you pulling at 680 (your pic) and still pooling? It should be enough to cook everything especially after you carb cap it
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Well-Known Member
I think your magic number will be in the mid-600s. Experiment with temps, it's part of the process. I'm at 666 and I ride that for both flower and dab out of my regular sized wrap around SiC top. I've tried lower and higher, and after a couple months have settled with the number of the beast.

Were you pulling at 680 (your pic) and still pooling? It should be enough to cook everything especially after you carb cap it

No, I had pooling at 640°. I moved it up to 680° after to try to clean off the surface. I should be picking up some more concentrate next week so I'll continue my testing then.

What's the recommended method to clean the D-nail?


Well-Known Member
@VAPEHUNTER makes sense, since D-nail wrap around is a bit bigger. So you'll probably be somewhere higher, like between 670 and 720 then. You'll find that sweet spot.

Qtip after every session is what I do to clean. I'll dip one of the qtip ends in ISO too sometimes. That's all I do. I'll clean the rest of the parts with an ISO bath when needed.
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HD Springer

Well-Known Member
Somthing I’m a bit confused about. Since I already have a SH set up. Can I then just purchase the wrap around and an insert and use the nut from the sh. Or do I need to purchase the entire head wr set up. The main reason I ask is I thought the sh had different size threads or somthing. Thanks in advance if any one can help me get straightened out.


Well-Known Member
Somthing I’m a bit confused about. Since I already have a SH set up. Can I then just purchase the wrap around and an insert and use the nut from the sh. Or do I need to purchase the entire head wr set up. The main reason I ask is I thought the sh had different size threads or somthing. Thanks in advance if any one can help me get straightened out.
I have the same question. Wanting to purchase the D-nail wraparound as I have the sic and quartz halo. I recall reading that we need to buy a different post for it to work with the wraparound. I think it was a few pages back, but i am currently at work.


Well-Known Member
Somthing I’m a bit confused about. Since I already have a SH set up. Can I then just purchase the wrap around and an insert and use the nut from the sh. Or do I need to purchase the entire head wr set up. The main reason I ask is I thought the sh had different size threads or somthing. Thanks in advance if any one can help me get straightened out.

They recently changed the WA to also use a 20mm thread (same as SH).

All you would need to have a WA if you already own the SH:

WA Center post for 20mm Coil


Well-Known Member
Somthing I’m a bit confused about. Since I already have a SH set up. Can I then just purchase the wrap around and an insert and use the nut from the sh. Or do I need to purchase the entire head wr set up. The main reason I ask is I thought the sh had different size threads or somthing. Thanks in advance if any one can help me get straightened out.

The 20mm dnail wrap around still uses the 16mm coil nut. I just bought one so I can confirm that. :D

Good day to all you wise(and otherwise!) F-Pot'rs! 2017 has been just a crazy insane (insane crazy?) year for pretty much everyone on the planet. We look back and it seems like just yesterday we were recovering from New Years Eve! Here we go again...

ANYWAY - we've made a change recently so I wanted to update you all. The 20mm Coil Wrap-Arounds now use the same 20mm nuts that the ShowerHead uses. It has the same 5 Holes going straight down, only the diameter of the bottom(nut) threading has changed. This applies only to the 20mm-Coil WrapAround. The 16mm-Coil and D-Nail versions did not change. The 16mm Nut will remain available for the other heads. So this is the 20/20:


Also for a short time we're including both heads in the big ShowerHead Bundle, so now that the nuts are the same, you'll get the ShowerHead top, along with the above WrapAround and a SiC dish.

Thanks and we hope everyone has a raging(but safe) NYE!
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