Chicken #420
I and I be Irie Vaping with U and U in Zion, mon!
So, while I was looking at the showerhead and thinking about different ways to do concentrates...has anyone played around with having a mass of hemp fiber (or just a good ole bowl of flower) in the bowl and then doing convection style dabs? directly on top of the showerhead's intake holes? I know this would be messy and need to be cleaned hence why I can see someone not liking the idea. just thought it might be interesting to see the flavor. I guess most will zip right through the showerhead and just land in hemp fiber?
I've done it. And the double-decker equivalent. Works fine despite the mess... though my interest in concentrates is almost nonexistent these days. I'm enjoying full nug flower rips way too much!

My current method is mostly full nugs, breaking them up as I proceed and they dry and crisp, in a glass bowl with glass screen (as described a few pages ago). On the occasion that I want scoops of fine-grind, I make a little "mat" out of the hemp fiber and put it over the glass star screen in the glass bowl to keep fine grind from falling through the gaps. As always, I also have some kind of hemp fiber filter between the bowl and pipe inlet to keep the glass clean.
My NewVape Titanium bowls, all 6 of them, have been receiving constant neglect from me lately... I'm just enjoying the full glass bowl/screen setup too much!