Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer


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Is anyone using a D-Nail Sapphire Halo with their D-Nail wrap-around? Since D-Nail is having a 30% off, i was thinking of grabbing one to replace the SiC Halo. I am just wondering if its worth it on the Flowerpot. Any thoughts?

I have the sapphire and SiC halo's, both work well in the wrap around setup. I feel like the wrap around FP setup runs the halo dish a fair bit hotter than the standard flat coil that you use on the dnail base with the halo's, so some temp tweaking is likely necessary.


Well-Known Member
I don’t find the showerhead to be airy at all. The free flowing air is what I love about it and definitely don’t notice any airy vapor with it. It’s dense af, denser than the wraparound and way denser than the SV3.

I find I actually use more cannabis in my SV3 dually vs the flowerpot. The same nug I break up to load into the SV3 stem would get me 1 1/2-2 loads from the Flowerpot. I definitely feel the Flowerpot hits harder than the SV3 IMO. The SV3 can’t keep up with my draw and I can either over power it with draw strength or the herb gets so packed I can’t get a good hit. In order to get the thick vapor I like I need to go up to 380-400 with it and flavor is shitty at those temps.

Edit: Should be overpower with draw length not strength. By the time I’m finished with my hit 20+ seconds the vapor has thinned considerably with the SV3.
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4ShOObY3 - IG
I have the sapphire and SiC halo's, both work well in the wrap around setup. I feel like the wrap around FP setup runs the halo dish a fair bit hotter than the standard flat coil that you use on the dnail base with the halo's, so some temp tweaking is likely necessary.

When you use the FP WA, which halo do you normally use SiC or Sapp? And why?

I have both SiC and Sapphire Inserts for Liger 30mm. I use the sapphire insert all the time and only switch to SiC when anyone comes over. I dont want anyone to accidentally break my sapphire insert.


denser than the wraparound and way denser than the SV3.

What do you think @lazylathe ? :rofl:We must be doing it WRONG!

I find I actually use more cannabis in my SV3 dually vs the flowerpot. The same nug I break up to load into the SV3 stem would get me 1 1/2-2 loads from the Flowerpot. I definitely feel the Flowerpot hits harder than the SV3 IMO. The SV3 can’t keep up with my draw and I can either over power it with draw strength or the herb gets so packed I can’t get a good hit. In order to get the thick vapor I like I need to go up to 380-400 with it and flavor is shitty at those temps.

The SV3 can't keep up with your draw? :hmm: We should take this over to the sv3 thread as the timing is impeccable as apparently the Dually doesn't hit as hard as the singular, and i'm guessing it's due to some extra airflow. There is absolutely NO WAY that you should be able to over power the sv3 with your draw strength! I have zero experience with the Dually so cannot comment on it, but it's the FP that is sensitive to draw velocity, NOT the sv3. And you to need to go to 380-400 in order to get thick vapour?? Dude, something is wrong with your Dually I Ed. I'm whitewalling at just over 300! And it has eaten FP ABV and whitewalled as well. I rarely if ever go above 340-350 as i'm all about flavour too. Again, best for the sv3 thread so seeya there dude!
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This is not NV's issue, but if I want to use the 14 mm, I think I will have to find another piece to use as I just don't want to use all of the drop downs and adapters, all with various quality of the joints, and all of which can potentially effect the air tight seal.

Understand not wanting to use adapters.... but a 14m/18mm reducer would allow you to test the 14mm stem with your 18mm pieces. Unless you just need an excuse to get more glass, in which case completely disregard my adapter suggestion. :brow:

Picked up a DieselGlass bubbler 14mm which should be here at near the end of the week. Mostly clear with the perc being parallax. (grey to bright fuchsia)

I have the sapphire and SiC halo's, both work well in the wrap around setup. I feel like the wrap around FP setup runs the halo dish a fair bit hotter than the standard flat coil that you use on the dnail base with the halo's, so some temp tweaking is likely necessary.

Glad to hear that! Eventually I'll pick up a SiC and then the Sapphire. For now though.. My "christmas" shopping is done.
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hotboxing the cockpit
So is there a way to not go through a ton of weed with the FP? Or is it inevitable with how it's designed? Probably my biggest concern lol

I don't necessarily use a ton. I'm just using more than I'd like to at the moment... who wouldn't like to use less weed is the real question.

I use like a gram (up to 1.5g probably) a day and have a pretty decent tolerance, but I also stay baked all day, or at least try my best... :spliff: Concentrate use ranges from 0 to 0.25g in a day. Also some situational stuff where I'm vaping more than usual. A gram a day to stay high from when I wake up til when I fall asleep isn't bad. I've woken up still high after a heavy night of dabbing/double deckers too.

I think I get more use out of my herb in my FP than other vapes. It hits me pretty hard. Like I usually need a minute after a hit, but I try and clear it all in one go. I don't get this with other devices and it's because I can take it all in one go, and also hold the vapor without my throat/lungs hurting.

If I take it slow and don't do a 0.2g wake and bake bowl I'm sure I could taper myself down to .05g loads, which still give great flavor and nice vapor.

A 0.1g bowl could last me like 2~hrs before it really starts diving, it's when I start stacking bowls when I'm already still baked that things get out of whack...
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hotboxing the cockpit
Just get a vapcap to supplement your flower pot usage. The vapcap is a weed miser so using one of these in between FP sessions would save you on herb. Just like very powerful cars tend to consume fuel, power vapes tend to consume more herb and if you don't watch out the expensive can sneak-up on you.

For sure this too, just a small portable to supplement works great. I find myself pretty much microdosing with all my portables now, and just "topping off" my FP high, rather than relying on them to do a lot of the "heavy lifting" I guess.

I guess maybe this says a lot about me as a person, but I make it a priority to rip my FP before I leave my house rather than to pack up a portable vape...


Well-Known Member
Just get a vapcap to supplement your flower pot usage. The vapcap is a weed miser so using one of these in between FP sessions would save you on herb. Just like very powerful cars tend to consume fuel, power vapes tend to consume more herb and if you don't watch out the expensive can sneak-up on you.

I do have a Mighty, so I'll probably just use that during the day and then end the day with a FP bowl to the face


Well-Known Member
What do you think @lazylathe ? :rofl:We must be doing it WRONG!

Didn’t say you’re doing it wrong but it’s definitely not my experience with the showerhead. That’s what’s great about vaping different strokes for different folks. Some like a restricted draw some don’t. I’d prefer all my vapes to be as free flowing as the showerhead.
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Well-Known Member
I could probably use less with the flowerpot but it's just so much fun to tear through bowls.

The high it gives also lasts and seems to kinda build at times. I've been hitting my Milaana recently and noticed the buzz lasts about 15-30min per stem. A bowl out of the FP will hit me harder and last longer.

If I had more self control I'd be weighing out a gram a day during the work week and allowing myself nothing else. If I had to make the most out of a gram I would want the FP to be the vape doing the work.


Well-Known Member
Use an EQ screen in the bottom of one of your bowls. Get a small spoon (scoops can save you big bucks) or scoop that matches your measured dose so you do not need to weigh out every hit. Scoop a small amount into the basket screen. The FP can be an exceptional micro hit vape. I prefer not to use the FP this way but if you are about saving weed the micro hit methods are very good imo.

Good to know the option is there, thanks.


Well-Known Member
I could probably use less with the flowerpot but it's just so much fun to tear through bowls.

The high it gives also lasts and seems to kinda build at times. I've been hitting my Milaana recently and noticed the buzz lasts about 15-30min per stem. A bowl out of the FP will hit me harder and last longer.

If I had more self control I'd be weighing out a gram a day during the work week and allowing myself nothing else. If I had to make the most out of a gram I would want the FP to be the vape doing the work.

I am weighing 0.5g per day as I do not have a lot of herb for the next month and also to better understand how the fp works.... and dial in my technique... i

Do you put anything else in the bowl when you're vaping those small amounts? Like a liquid pad or something

i have the FlowerPot 14mm Male Body with Handle (3038) and do not use anything else with it...
I only try to spred the herb on the screen, so the herb covers the screen... I get with 0.07g two good hits and one whispy.... the fp is very versatile you can use it with small and big loads... sometimes I fill the bowl up to the rim with herb and I have never dabbed but I think it is like dabbing and hits me very hard... sometimes before I leave home I like like those big bowls...


Well-Known Member
Speaking of saving on herb. One way is to get a little more out of each bowl. Here's a little tip that can help you get one more good hit out of almost any bowl. Just dump a spent bowl's ABV into the palm of your hand and rub your thumb over it and load it back into the bowl. This trick always gives me another very nice hit before dumping the load.


My single load spoon is a level pinch spoon. I do this so I do not need to weigh.

Is that an official "pinch" sized spoon? (1/16th of a teaspoon)


Well-Known Member
The FP has been efficient on my flowers, especially if I add a little concentrate in there. I'll just cover screen in my OG w/handle bowl with flower, with a little mound in the center (that's where I see it heating the most with my wrap-around top). Scrape some goo on the Ti screen and place on top. The concentrate seems to melt off the Ti screen and saturates the flower, and this just seems to make it hit for ever...I'm even starting to take breaks now before finishing a bowl! Not much flower used & like a rice sized dab in there only...

On a side note, plugged in my new rosin press and just messed around with it last night, and got incredible returns off two different strained 1-2ish gram nugs I had laying around (it's got large 4x9 plates, so I plan on doing larger smashes once I get everything set-up). The smell, the taste and the amount of rosin I got from that small amount was better than I expected and being able to do convection dabs in the FP with flower and it's related rosin was heavenly.


hotboxing the cockpit
Well, if I wasn't broke as hell, I found a piece of glass that would definitely SLAY with the FP. Very similar to that TAG piece, except undoubtedly higher quality. Similar price, and well worth the difference at $160 (if he even still has any) I hope someone else is able to grab one of these and let me know how it is :D
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