So is there a way to not go through a ton of weed with the FP? Or is it inevitable with how it's designed? Probably my biggest concern lol
I don't necessarily use a ton. I'm just using more than I'd like to at the moment... who wouldn't like to use less weed is the real question.
I use like a gram (up to 1.5g probably) a day and have a pretty decent tolerance, but I also stay baked all day, or at least try my best...

Concentrate use ranges from 0 to 0.25g in a day. Also some situational stuff where I'm vaping more than usual. A gram a day to stay high from when I wake up til when I fall asleep isn't bad. I've woken up still high after a heavy night of dabbing/double deckers too.
I think I get more use out of my herb in my FP than other vapes. It hits me pretty hard. Like I usually need a minute after a hit, but I try and clear it all in one go. I don't get this with other devices and it's because I can take it all in one go, and also hold the vapor without my throat/lungs hurting.
If I take it slow and don't do a 0.2g wake and bake bowl I'm sure I could taper myself down to .05g loads, which still give great flavor and nice vapor.
A 0.1g bowl could last me like 2~hrs before it really starts diving, it's when I start stacking bowls when I'm already still baked that things get out of whack...