Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer


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Company Rep
Not having any double weave Ti screens, I am going cheapo style and using brass screens. Small bed of flower, a dab of wax smeared on the brass screen then topped over the flower. 680F SH uncapped, damn nice! Pretty sure the oil stayed within the screen and flower and no waste. Love my FP and hope the party returns back to this thread.

This is OUR thread on a public forum @natural farmer started for us. :peace:


Well-Known Member
This love for the sh has my vas through the roof :). Anyone use a jay hook at all with their fp? I need to start using dry pieces because of some cramping in my stomach when Im using a waterpipe.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to force myself not to read any more posts after my last video.

I'll be back after the first of the year.

Please direct all customer support issues to

My instagram account is where I'll be posting new stuff. @NewVape710 & @errlpress
Please use #newvapeflowerpot to tag your flowerpot related photos.

Happy holidays to all.
I don’t blame you and I wouldn’t blame you if you never came back here. Good luck in whatever decision you make and know that you have the best vape hands down!!! I have greatly appreciated your interactions here at FC and am glad to have gotten to participate in it. I’m already following you on insta and hope to see new developments soon (glass bowl!!!!!)
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I don’t blame you and I wouldn’t blame you if you never came back here. Good luck in whatever decision you make and know that you have the best vape hands down!!! I have greatly appreciated your interactions here at FC and am glad to have gotten to participate in it. I’m already following you on insta and hope to see new developments soon (glass bowl!!!!!)

I havent known how to articulate my own feelings, but your words come the closest so far. Thanks to @NewVape710 for the interaction and participation.


hotboxing the cockpit
This love for the sh has my vas through the roof :). Anyone use a jay hook at all with their fp? I need to start using dry pieces because of some cramping in my stomach when Im using a waterpipe.

@Chicken #420 was going on about jhooks a while back. I haven't tried one yet. Unless it could stand on its own I feel like the ergonomics of trying to hold the jhook and the handle, then pull the bowl out and etc etc would be a huuuuge pain in the balls but I could be wrong


Well-Known Member
This love for the sh has my vas through the roof :). Anyone use a jay hook at all with their fp? I need to start using dry pieces because of some cramping in my stomach when Im using a waterpipe.
I have used a j hook but I prefer to use a dry rig to help cool the vapor more. IMO a j hook is kind of hot but it works well.


Well-Known Member
This love for the sh has my vas through the roof :). Anyone use a jay hook at all with their fp? I need to start using dry pieces because of some cramping in my stomach when Im using a waterpipe.
I have tried a J Hook i have and found the vapor to be to hot and harsh as the airpath is to short for something so powerful. Maybe if you turn the temps down to the low 500's it would be a bit better but i feel going through water really helps condition the vapor .


Vapor Dreams
If anyone of you has a Plenty, try the coil with the Showerhead and prepare for a smooth and fresh wreckage. It works wonders but has the downside of clogging too fast (needs cleaning every week, otherwise the vapor gets stuck in the coil and cloud density decreases) BUT you get all the flavour, all the clouds and zero heat.

I took this Img the day i got the showerhead so you may have seen it before

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Well-Known Member
@Zow237 I had posted this earlier in the thread but i had picked up one of these Glycerine coolers off dhagte awhile back for cheap. I keep it in the freezer and attach to my glass sometimes and it really takes allot off my throat and helps cool the vapor. I don't use it all the time but when i do i really enjoy it and feel it helps allot , others have tried replacing cool water with warm water in there glass as well so you may try that also sometime but i do highly recommend this :


Well-Known Member
@Justpassedu damn that is sick! I need to find that. Can't seem to find it when looking up glycerin cooler
I just looked it up and it seems to be taken down on the site , if it helps go on dhgate and message seller hfy_glass , seems they sold out at the moment from what it is saying. Tell them you'd like the Illadelph glass freezable coil .

Edit - just found another seller with it :;searl|1526313412


Well-Known Member
I just looked it up and it seems to be taken down on the site , if it helps go on dhgate and message seller hfy_glass , seems they sold out at the moment from what it is saying. Tell them you'd like the Illadelph glass freezable coil .

Edit - just found another seller with it :;searl|1526313412

Thanks dude. Might just get this instead of a new rig. :) or maybe both. I'm super bored with my og fp :( need a SH in my life
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Almost there...
Thanks dude. Might just get this instead of a new rig. :) or maybe both. I'm super bored with my og fp :( need a SH in my life

I keep going back to my OGFP 16mm after a day or so with the SH...
For me there is just too much airflow with the SH. I would love to see a version without the outer ring of holes. This centers the air stream directly across the whole opening of the bowl and works amazing with an EQ basket!
I love the slight restriction on the OG! Need to get a Sic dish and test that out sometime.
Otherwise it is the most consistent vape i have ever owned!


4ShOObY3 - IG
Has it been mentioned if Newvape will be having a Black Friday sale?

Does anyone remember if they did last year? I am just trying to get my Black Friday budget together together. I still need to get the rest of my dabbers and dab stand.

Thanks in advance!


Almost there...
What the fuck...I love New Vape and have always shared this fact.

The recent dust up over a leaky adjustabowl has never, ever, been about a leaky adjustabowl. This has not been about whether you like steama or dislike steama. It has never been about whether you agree with me or disagree with me. Not in the slightest.

What this has been about is the character and freedom of FC. FC is a place where people are free to discuss aspects of the art of vaporization. FC is a place where you can talk about things you learn about your favorite vape and share with like minds in the community. You can talk about how much you like your vape or even talk about aspects you dislike about a vape. The point is, you have the freedom to discuss almost anything you like as long as your intentions are honorable and honest there should be no problems.

This has been about a manufacturer getting involved with this thread on FC in a way that is destructive to the community and the spirit of FC. This manufacturer has tried to bully and intimidate people that post things he is in disagreement about. People participating at FC should be free to post whatever they choose as long as it is relevant and honest without the fear of reprisal from the manufacturer.

The manufacturer does not need to behave in this insulting manner. This is the way a bully behaves.

There's absolutely no way to prove or disprove any vapor is being diluted. That's a crazy unverified claim. Please consider that there are people here who thrive on drama, and love to show off their smarts at the expense of others. I've offered to completely refund people that are not 100% satisfied with any newVape part. Instead they must get more satisfaction of dragging me thru the f-ing mud.

In closing I will say I was one of the most vocal cheerleaders for New Vape and their products. I have absolutely zero motive to “show-off my smarts at the expense of others” or drag Edwyn through the mud. Why would I want to do this to the maker of the finest vaporizer I have ever used? It makes no sense.

My crime was discussing a leak I discovered in the adjustabowl here on FC. I thought this was the kind of thing FC is for. Isn't FC the place to talk about such things?

It can be wonderful when manufactures participate because it can dramatically enhance the thread. What I feel is important for manufacturers to remember is not to interfere with the regular order of an FC thread like you did in this situation.

Things will be much better for the FC community if when you participate @NewVape710 you remember to stay in your lane.

I love FC and I'm not going anywhere because of a little this and that.

Also, I have asked @NewVape710 for an ajustabowl refund and now the manufacturer has decided to ignore me instead.

Is anybody really surprised?

Well said and welcome back!
I missed you buddy!

T'wax the night before Christmas... Can see that becoming a thing! LOL!!

For all my communications i use the address and usually get to chat with Lori.
Shoot her off an email and i am sure she will sort you out!

In other news, my 4th order or so from NV has been sent to customs for further inspection!
All my other packages sailed through without any duties or even seeing customs.
Annoying and frustrating to say the least!

Rockin' the OGFP with some Bubba Kush!

Respect bro!

Nice post number bro!!! 3 666
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